Chapter 13

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History actually wasn't  as bad as i thought it would be. Maybe Mrs. Jones was getting bored of torturing me. I could only hope. I just spent most of the class in the back doodling. Every once in a while i would return to the lesson, and take notes on the important people and places, like the Puritans and the thirteen colonies, but most of the time i was just off in my own world. Mostly because i already knew all of this stuff. What can i say? I love History, therefore i remember it.

I headed to math as soon as the bell rang, already having my book. I was just going to get in the habit of bringing it everywhere with me, it was just easier that way. As i turned the last corner before the math classroom, someone shouted my name behind me. I spun instantly, looking around for someone  i would recognize. After a few seconds, i saw Sean hurrying towards me. I smiled at him and waited for him to catch up with me before i continued walking.

"Hey!" He said a little breathless. I smiled and nodded at him. We had just arrived at our math class. I walked to my desk, and was a bit surprised when he sat on my desk, looking at me seriously.

"So listen Chaney." He sounded nervous. "I was wondering if you might want to go out with me this Friday..." He looked up and trailed off. I was guessing because of the look on my face. I was pretty sure i looked like i had just witnessed a murder. Not that I didn't want to go out with him, i did. I just never thought i actually would go out with him. "Or not." He added, slowly getting off of my desk.

"No,no!" I said, finally finding my sanity and answering. I stood quickly, smiling in a kind of creepy way. Sean drew his eyebrows together in confusion, and i realized that it probably just sounded like i said no to his date offer. Whoops. Why was i always so dumb?

"Oh. I don't mean no as in no to the date! I was saying no to the 'or not' part." I explained quickly. He looked a bit more hopeful, but still confused. I closed my eyes and sighed, refocusing myself. I opened my eyes and smiled softly.

"Yes, Sean, i would love to go out on Friday." I clarified. A little voice in the back of my head quietly asked if this was who i really wanted to ask me out. I quickly shut that voice up thought, knowing that Zyler would never ask me out. Not that i wanted him to! Jeesh, we're just friends. Actually i'm not even sure we we're that. I don't know.

Speak of the devil, Zyler walked in just as Sean smiled widely and gave me a tight hug. I hesitated only a second before hugging him back. It felt weird, since i hadn't hugged many guys in my lifetime. Not a bad weird, just a different weird.

Since i was the one facing the door in this hug, i saw Zyler hesitate by the door when he saw our public display of affection. Wait, was a hug even classified as PDA? Well, whatever it was, he saw it, and i could have sworn that i saw anger flash in his eyes. It could've been because we were blocking his desk, or maybe it was because he was just about to confess his undying love for me in hopes that we would run away to Vegas and elope, only to have his plan spoiled by Sean. I would put my money on the former.

I quickly untangled myself from the hug, as Zyler came walking towards us, and Aubrey walked in. Oh, crap, i thought, she's going to be pissed. I gave her a sheepish look , when it dawned on her face what was going on. She looked genuinely disappointed, and i began to feel guilty. But then i realized how dumb that was since it was my life not hers. I shrugged at her as she walked to her chair and sat grumpily. I decided it wasn't up to her who i dated and didn't date. Not that i had many options.

Sean walked back to his seat. I looked back at him to see him giving the friends he sat by high-fives, and whispering something. They all laughed, and quickly turned to the front. Well, that was weird, I thought a bit confused, that better not have been about me.  I glanced back again, feeling a bit uneasy. That feeling was soon gone when i saw Sean slouching in his chair, smiling when we made eye contact. I turned back around, relieved that i had just imagined what had been going on.

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