Chapter 14

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When we arrived at the nurses’ office, we told her there was a fight, and she hustled us in and ordered some whiny, perfectly healthy freshman to move.

He reluctantly stood, rolling his eyes. I wanted to stick my tongue out at the kid for being so selfish! Could he not see that someone was in way worse condition than him? He was probably just here to get out of class and relax a bit. News flash kid! That’s not what the nurse is for.

Zyler sat down on the paper covered bed, causing the annoying sound of the crinkling paper. Gosh, I hated that sound. I mean, seriously, who wanted to hear that every time they moved? No one. Sure, it was “sanitary” but I highly doubted the Nurse Penny changed the paper for every, single, student. So, might as well just have some nice silk cover, that way everyone would be a happy camper.

Anyway, Zyler sat as Nurse P. frantically grabbed things she would need to clean him up. She snatched a towel off of the counter, a couple cotton balls, an cup of water, and some bandaging. All the while, she was speaking angrily and quietly, and I wasn’t exactly sure who she was talking to.

“My, my, what are you kids getting into these days? Fighting on school property. I can’t even believe it! Son, what were you thinking?!” She finished her rambling, returning to the bed looking sternly at Zyler.

 He shrugged and I heard him mumble, saying something about a “douche bag”. He was lucky he said it incoherently, or else Nurse Penny would have flipped. I gave him a warning look, since he was such an idiot.

"Well, i can hardly believe that fighting was the only  way to settle your problems, dear." She said, shaking her head in disapproval.

Although Nurse P. was an old lady, that looked like the classic grandma, she still scared the bejezus out of half the kids at this school. Including me. I've only come to see her once in my whole four years of high school, because i was about to throw up, and she is a very intimidating lady.

She cleaned Zyler up quickly, bandaging his bloody knuckles and cleaning off his bloody nose- which had finally stopped bleeding- then she went to her office to fill out his paperwork, or at least that what i assumed she was doing. For all i know though, she could've been calling the principle or even the cops. I really hoped not.

We stayed there in awkward silence. I had no idea what to say to him... thanks? Well, i guess it was better than nothing. But i also wanted to ask why? Why had he fought for me? Did he like me or something? No, we hated each other. Well, not hated, but strongly disliked.

"Um, thanks..for, well, you know." I said uncomfortably, rubbing my hand against my upper arm.

"No problem." He said simply. He wasn't even uncomfortable or anything. He obviously didn't like me that way then. Or at all for that matter.

"Alright, well, i should probably go to class..." I trailed,starting to walk towards the door. I had chickened out of asking him why he had gotten into the fight.

"You're leaving me? All by myself? After i just got injured in your honor?" He asked, smirking. Okay, wow, he better not every use it against me. Or else i will go ask Sean to start another fight and actually win this time.

The weird thing with Sean was that, i didn't really feel anything. I mean, sure i was a bit upset that he had treated me like a toy, but i wasn't sad that it was over, i didn't really care. I guess we just didn't click. It's going to sound cliche, but there was not "spark".

I rolled my eyes at Zyler. "Yep, pretty much." I said, opening the door. Before i walked out though, he called my name. I turned back, expecting some lame jerkish comment.

"I'm sorry." He said, looking me right in the eyes. I frowned in confusion.

"About what?" I asked.

"About what happened with Sean and you." He said, looking deadly serious. Okay, what the crap. Bipolar much?

I smiled at him, then walked back over to where he was. Without thinking, i acted impulsively, and hugged him. It was really weird, not used to giving hugs, and never having really touched him before. He was actually really warm. After a second of hesitation, he hugged me back. I pulled back quickly, giving him a kiss on the cheek as i pulled away. What the hell was wrong with me?! I didn't do these things!

"Don't worry about it. It's not like i was going to marry the guys of anything." I laughed, walking back to the door. "See you around."

"Later." He said quickly.

I shut the door behind me, then closed my eyes. Oh shoot. What on earth was i doing! I couldn't get on friendly terms with Zyler! I might actually start liking him if i did that.No, no! I didn't just say that. I wouldn't like him. I don't like him. We have nothing in common, and i am glad. He's a jerk. He's a player. That's all. I thought furiously.

Pull yourself together Chaney! I screamed in my mind.

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