Chapter 5

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I sat in my English class, waiting for the bell to ring. I decided not to bring any books to this class, since Aubrey told me we didn't do anything in the class besides go over the course description book. Ms. Wilson, the teacher with the croaky voice, was very young. She was currently sitting at her desk, typing away at her computer. Her brown hair was in a tight bun at her neck, and she was wearing glasses. She was also wearing a pencil skirt and blouse. She wasn't very pretty, but she did look very nice and professional.

My class after lunch, drama, had passed without any.. well, drama. Ha ha, i loved puns. Anyway, Bailey had been in my class, and we sat together, laughing at Mr. Niccoli, the teachers', overly loud and deep voice. He had talked like he was back in shakespearean times, and he also kind of looked like a shakespeare wannabe. He had a goatee, with long hair parted down the middle. All of his hair was grey. Luckily, for me, there was no sign of Janie or Zyler in this class. Maybe i would only suffer before lunch, and after lunch i would be free of them. Wrong, again.

Before the bell ran in English, Zyler walked in. How did i have three classes with this guy, and almost none with my friends!?My mind screamed. He walked passed me, smirk back on his face, and sat in the last row, in the seat behind me. I rolled my eyes. There were plenty of other seats open, but no, he had to sit behind me. He was probably planning on sticking things in my hair. It wouldn't surprise me. I turned around and glared at him, opening my mouth to ask him to move, when someone said, "Hey, Chaney!" I turned to see a tall, blond haired boy taking the open seat next to me. Sean.

I forgot about Zyler for the moment, and smiled at Sean.

"Hey! Fancy seeing you here." I greeted him back when he was situated in his seat. I somehow felt really comfortable talking to him already. He smiled back at me.

"Same to you." he winked. Wow there, a wink? What the crap does that mean? my mind spasmed. Was that friendly or friendly friendly? I didn't know, so i decided to just grin at him then turn back to the front of the classroom. That seemed like the safest move.

Soon, Ms. Wilson began class, and everyone listened to the "do's and dont's" of the classroom with little interest. She had your basic rules: no food or drink (besides water), respect each other, no talking while the teacher was talking, no gum (which no one listened to), no cellphones(again, not followed by anyone), and be on time.Simple enough. When she finished with the rules, she began discussing what we'll be doing over the year. Mainly focusing on emphasising that about seventy-five percent of our homeworks and projects would be done with partners. I peeked a glance at Sean. He was the only person i really knew in the class, which wasn't saying much since i had "officially" met him about two hours ago. I needed to know more people.

"So class, i will allow you to choose your own partners, since you will be working with them all year." Ms. Wilson explained in a frog-like voice. "Yes, that's right, you will have one partner the whole year. I believe it'll help you all since you'll learn to work with that one person well. So, class, choose wisely. Only under dire circumstances will i allow partners to change." She looked at each of us for a second, then continued. "Okay, we'll go in alphabetical order, and choose our partners. So we'll start with..." she checked her attendance list, and continued, "Joy Adams? Who would you like for a partner?" As Joy chose her partner, Sean tapped my shoulder. I turned to him, and watched him point to himself and me, while mouthing "partners?"i smiled and nodded, excited that i wouldn't be stuck with someone sucky.

"Zyler Bane? Who will your partner be?" the teacher continued, already having partnered six kids total. I looked back, curious about who Zyler would chose. He was wearing his smirk, as he looked back at me. I rolled my eyes at him. I'm sure all of the girls would be more than happy to be part- my thought was cut off by his answer.

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