Chapter 16

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"He did what?!" Aubrey yelled, looking murderous.

"That asshole!" Bailey added. Shay just shook her head and scrunched her face.

They had all come over to my house after school, and i had told them what the whole fight scene had been about. They reacted exactly how i thought they would, mad as hell. Especially Aubrey, she looked like she was about to go on some killing spree.

"He made a bet? A flipping bet! I hope Zyler kicked his ass. Sean better be prepared for a piece of my mind tomorrow because he sure as hell is gonna get it. Seriously, what a dick." Aubrey ranted, shaking her head. I smiled a little at my best friend. It was nice to know that she always had my back, of course i already knew that, but it was nice to be reassured every once in a while.

"Thanks Aub, but i'm pretty sure that he already knows. I think he feels pretty bad." I shrugged. I was far from forgiving him, but at least his apology seemed genuine, and he was trying to make it up to me. If only he knew i would only forgive him when he gave me a butt-load of sweets, and publicly said, "Chaney is so awesome and i can't believe i did such an awful thing to her. I'm a jerk. I apologize and now know that girls like Chaney are one-of-a-kind." Simple as that.

"Don't even think about forgiving him Chain. What he did was wrong on so many levels." Shay said while she shook her head, giving me a disapproving stare.

"Oh, don't worry, we all know how Chain is at forgiving. She can hold a grudge like no other." Aubrey smirked, teasing me. I laughed, looking at her face. It was true though, i could probably stay mad at someone till the day they died, maybe even longer.

"On a different note though, Zyler defending your honor is so adorable!" Bailey gushed dreamily and i rolled my eyes. The other two girls nodded in agreement and they all started talking at once about "Chyler" or "Zaney" or whatever the heck they called the two of us. How did i know this was going to happen? Oh right, because my friends are so darn girly.

"He was not defending my honor you guys!" I raised my voice over all of their yapping. "He was just looking for a fight and he found one." I shrugged. Simultaneously, they all rolled their eyes. It was actually a little creepy how the all stopped talking, looked at me, then rolled their eyes at the same time. I cringed.'

"Chain he was. It's obvious. And then he got jealous outside of the nurse's office because he saw him carrying you. I swear sometimes you are so damn dense." Aubrey shook her head.

"Hey! I am not. I'm telling you, he was just craving a fight and Sean was going to give it to him. And as for the nurse's office thing, he was still just riled up from the fight, and his opponent was in front of him. Nothing had to do with me!" I said, exasperated. I knew it was pointless to even argue with my friends. Once they got an idea in their head, it was stuck, and unfortunately, that idea was Zyler liking me. As if he would ever like me. Not that i even wanted him to.

All three of them muttered something about me being a complete idiot. I was used to this verbal abuse though, so i just let it go. I didn't want this conversation to go on for longer than necessary so i just let it end there, or at least i hoped it would.

"Chain, you'll see how right we are soon." Aubrey said softly. I shook my head and stook up from the couch we were all sitting on. It was time to actually start the sleepover with a movie and popcorn!

"Pick a movie guys. I'll go make the popcorn." I headed off to the kitchen.

We ended up watching "Baby Mama". I loved that movie. Seriously, it was so hilarious. We didn't end up finishing it though, because about half way through we had all passed out around my room. I was on my bed with Aubrey while Shay and Bailey were randomly on the floor with a pillow and blanket. Usually we can all fit on my bed, but since Aubrey had fallen asleep first, taking up half the bed, only one more person could fit. Since it was my bed, i raced Bailey and SHay for the spot. After pushing both of them out of the way, i managed to get it. They should have known i don't play fair.

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