Goodbye FRG Hello Syndney

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Who knew that little peck could turn into us practically raping each other? Not me. But guess what...we did. And of course, Brittnee the party pooper had to ruin the fun by knocking on the door. Bitch ruins everything.

"Guys? C'mon! We have to leave to go to the airport. We're gonna be late. So move your asses!" Damn! She's bitchy in the morning.

"Ok give us a minute yeah?"

"Fine but hurry up." Then she walked away. I looked at Christan and we burst into laughter. We got our clothes back on. Don't worry I was in my bra and undies and he was in his boxers. C'mon he's seen me in a bikini. Chill. Anyway, we looked around the playhouse one more time, sighed then went back into the house.

We went to my room so I could get changed and get a backpack ready for the flight. After awhile of debating, I decided on wearing basketball shorts and my grey crop top that says 'My boyfriend thinks I'm studying' in a heart. C loves that shirt. I grabbed my Adventure Time backpack and put my laptop, headphones, all the chargers I'd need, my camera, my makeup and brush, and finally, my phone in my backpack. Surprisingly, it all fit. I grabbed Christan's hand and dragged him into the living room, where everyone was. By everyone, I mean Brittnee and my mom. Brittnee is my only other friend besides Christan. And it sucked. I felt bad for them because they're popular and I'm a nobody. We piled in the car with Brittnee up front and me and Christan in the back and headed out for the hour and a half drive to the airport.

***Skip the drive cause its to boring to write***

When we got to the airport, that was when we all kinda just a little burst into full on the middle of the airport. But we didn't care. I hugged Brittnee and we said good bye and the usual 'call me when you land' type shit. And then Christan. His eyes glistened in the terrible lighting of the airport. I looked at him for a bit then hugged him. He hugged back so tight I thought I was gonna turn into dust at any moment. I didn't care though. I sobbed into his shoulder and he just rubbed my back. I kept repeating 'I don't wanna go' in his ear. He'd always reply with 'I know' or 'I don't want you to either'. Finally we pulled away and just looked at each other. He leaned in and kissed me. I could feel Brittnee's eyes glaring at me and my mom smiling but I didn't care. The thing I didn't tell you was Christan was Brittnee's ex and she still had massive feelings for him. After like a full minute, we pulled away for air. He looked into my eyes and whispered "visit soon ok?".

"Of course" I whispered back, smiling a small smile at him.

"Ok cmon lets go we don't want you to be late." Brittnee said angerly. Damn this bitch need to take a chill pill. It's like she was trying to get rid of me. Anyway we all walked to the gate and when it was time to leave, my mom and I hugged them both then waved as we walked on the plane. I got the window seat because I kinda asked for it. Kinda like how I asked for a seat away for mom. Hey you can't blame me. She'd be so embarrassing. I was sat next to a guy who looked around my age and had blond hair, raybans and headphones on. His music was loud but at least it was a good song. The music suddenly stopped and before I knew it he was looking at me.

"Hi." he said and smiled at me with his teeth showing. Nice teeth.

"Hi." I said back shyly with a small smile that didn't show my teeth.

"I'm Luke." he said turning so he could face me better. I turned my body away from the window and looked at him full on. He was quite fit, not gonna lie.

"I'm Parker." I say.

"Nice to meet you, Parker."

"Same to you, Luke." I giggled. Ew, what was happening to me? I never giggle. "So...tell me about yourself?"

"Umm...well I play guitar and when I get back, I'm gonna start making covers on Youtube. Uh I like food and video games. I sing a little. Umm I guess that's it?" When he said food, I realized he had a bit of an accent. It's Australian.

"How old are you?"I asked, out of pure curiosity.


"Omg! Me too!" Omg, why was this happening to me? After about ten more minutes of talking, we both felt the airplane lift off the ground and take off into the sky. I was quite scared because I'd never been on a plane before. I guess that showed in my face or something because then he asked "Are you ok?"


"You've never been on a plain before." he stated.


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