New Persective

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"What do you want to watch?" Ashton asked, walking into the room. I was going to stay the night at his house. I already called my mom and talked to her about it. It was a Friday anyway. I was sitting on his bed, leaning against the wall.

"What do you have?" I asked. I sat up, crossing my legs, watching him walk over to his stack of movies.

"Just about every horror movie...ever. Um.." He said, crouching in front of the stack.

"Oh! What horror movies?"I asked, getting excited.

"Um..." He picked out a handfull of movies and laid them in front of me before going to get 3 more handfulls. I looked at all the movies in awe. I looked up at Ashton.

"Marry me?" I said with a blank expression. He giggled.

"Just pick one." he said, still giggling. I looked over them again then finally pointed to one.

"This one." I said in childish voice. He grabbed it then walked over to the DVD player and put it in.

"Hannabal. Good one." He said, walking back over to me. He pushed the left over movies onto the floor then pulled back the covers and sat next to me, letting me get under the covers before getting under them himself.

"I love this movie!" I exclaimed as it started.


"Never. Watching. That. Again."

"I thought it was great." I said, giggling.

"I won't be able to sleep tonight." He said, pulling the covers closer to him. I started laughing really hard. "It's not funny!" He said in his imitation girl voice. That only made me laugh harder. I was in tears, clutching my stomach.

"Stop! Stop! I can't... I can't breath." I managed to say through the laughs. I grabbed his arm for reassurance as I calmed down. "I should have abs after that." I said, breathlessly. I lifted up my shirt and saw no change. "Damnit..." I mumbled, putting my shirt down. Ashton giggled.

"Let's just go to bed." He got up and started to walk out the door.

"Where are you going?"I said, getting up.

"The couch?"

"No I'll sleep on the couch. You're the hurt one." I gestured towards his hand. He put a hand on my stomach to keep me from walking past him.

"No. You sleep on the bed." He said, softly.

"If I do, you'll be with me."


"The couch it is then." I smiled at him and started to walk into the living room.

"Ok! Fine!" He shouted from his room so I could hear. I smirked, walking back to him. I laid down on the bed, getting under the covers. I patted the spot next to me. He turned off the light then walked over and laid down, wrapping his arms around me. I snuggled into his chest.

"Goodnight Ash." I whispered into his chest.

"Goodnight Parker." He whispered back, stroking my hair. I soon fell asleep to the sound of Ashton's soft breathing.


I woke up the next morning to the sun shining in my face. I groaned and tried to sit up, only to be pulled back down by a muscular arm. I turned around and saw a sleeping Ashton. He looked so peaceful. I moved some hair that had fallen in front of his face and just stroked his face. He was snoring softly, his breath hitting my face each time. He soon groaned as his grip tightened around my waist, pulling me closer as his eyes fluttered open. I smiled softly at him once his vison was clear.

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