He Shall Not Know

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"Oh! What about this song?" I asked, showing Luke the video.

"Yeah! I say we do it!" He smiled. I squeaked and hugged him.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I squealed into his ear.

"Parks...can't...breathe..."He gasped out. I let go and blushed.

"Oops... Sorry Lukey." I said.

"Damn. I didn't know you were so strong." He mumbled, rubbing his arm.

"Kickboxing makes you strong." I chuckled, not realizing what I'd just said. Then it hit me. My eyes widened as my hand slapped over my mouth.

"What do you-"

"Lucas I've gotta go now. Bye!" With that, I ran out of his room and went home. "I'm such an idioit.." I mumbled to myself. I ran up to my room and changed into my work out clothes. I put on my shoes then grabbed my skateboard and my bag, racing out the door. "I'm going to be late!" I exclaimed as I ran out the door. I started to run down the sidewalk then dropped my skateboard, jumping on it and speeding to the gym. I soon arrived, grabbing my skateboard and running inside.

"You're late." The receptionist stated as I speed-walked into the building. "He's not going to be happy."

"I know." I sped past her and walked into the training room. "Hi, Coach. Sorry I'm late. I was working on a school project with Luke."I said, putting my stuff down.

"Have you told him yet?" He said, not looking at me.

"No. He'd try to stop me if I did. I need this." I said, standing behind him.

"I know." He said, softly. "Since you were late, two laps around to training room." I nodded, even though he couldn't see me. I started running around the perimeter of the room. "You're going to have to tell him eventually, you know." He said, leaning on the table and watching as I started my second lap.

"What he doesn't know won't hurt him." I said, breathlessly as I stopped running, having been done. Coach walked over to me and put his hands on my stomach. He always did this when I got out of breath. It helped, believe it or not.

"If you don't tell him soon, he'll follow you and find out himself." He said, looking down at me.

"Ashton, you don't know Luke. He'll flip if he found out I was in kickboxing." I said, finally having the breath to answer him. He took his hands away and glared at me for using his name.

"Now that you're mad enough to use my name, let's begin." He annouced, walking over to a punching bag. I followed behind and stood in front of the bag as he stood next to it. "Begin." With that, I started punching the sand-filled bag as he shouted out what my 'opponent' would do.


"See you tomorrow, Parker!" Coach shouted. "Don't be late either!"

"Bye Irwin!" I shouted as I walked out of the training room.

"I see he punished you for being late." The receptionist smirked at the sight of me drenched in sweat.

"Don't push it, Andrea." I chuckled as I pushed the door open with my back. It's about 8 at night but the sun was still out. I dropped my skateboard then jumped on it, racing down the street. I kept thinking about what Ashton had said during practice tonight. Will I really have to tell Luke? Or if I don't, will he follow me and find out himself? I was so lost in my thoughts that I ran into someone and fell off my skateboard.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" The person said, stopping my skateboard then rushing over to help me up. "Wait...Parker?"

"Calum?" I said, confused as I stood up. I watched as his eyes trailed down from my face, observing my outfit.

"You work out?" He asked after a minute.

"Something like that." I said, picking up my skateboard.

"Going somewhere?" A guy said from behind Calum. I raised my eyebrow.

"Yeah. Not like you can stop me." I replied.

"Michael, stop." Calum said. The guy, Michael, stood next to Calum.

"Why should I? She's a pretty girl." He winked at me as I rolled my eyes. "We could have fun." He smirked and started to walk toward me.

"Michael, stop!"Calum said again, standing in front of Michael, only to be walked around.

"Pretty girls like her should be treated to a little surprise." His voice was filled with lust.

"She's mine." A voice growled behind me.

"I don't think so." Michael smiked as I felt a hand grab my arm, pulling me behind them. I could tell by his tenseness that he was mad. "If she was, that'd be a stupid mistake." I looked at Calum, who's face was filled with fright. Ashton stepped forward, getting in Michael's face.

"Listen here punk." Ashton growled, lowly. "You won't go near Parker, talk to Parker, or even think about Parker. And if I find out that you did any of those things, I will personally send you to the hospital." I was shocked, to say the least. I've never seen Ashton so mad.

"And how are you going to do that?" Michael taunted. I smirked. He honestly deserves a good beating. I watched Ashton's back muscles as he punched Michael in the face with ease, sending Michael to the ground. Ashton turned to me as Calum rushed to Michael's aid.

"Let's go." Ashton said, grabbing my hand and my skateboard, leading me to his car. I got in as he started the car the drove off.

"Where are we going?" I asked, looking over at him. His jaw was clenched, his knuckles white as he squezed the wheel. "Ashton!" He looked over at me breifly.

"My house." He said, looking back at the road. His house? Why? We arrived soon after that. He parked his car and got out. He walked around the car and opened my door for me.

"Thank you." I'm still shocked. He just nodded, shut the door and led me inside. I followed him into the bathroom as he got the first aid kit. I stood in the doorframe and watched as he opened the kit and started to wash off his bloody hand. I walked over to him when I saw that he was having trouble putting rubbing alcohol on his hand. I sat on the sink and gently put it on his hand, ignoring his groans of pain. I grabbed gauze and started to wrap up his hand. When I was done, I looked up at him, only to see him looking down at me already. "What?"

"You stick out your tongue when you're consentrating. Did you know that?" He said, caressing my cheek with his undamaged hand and tiliting his head. I blushed and looked down.

"I've been told." I said, shyly.





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