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*Chapter 7*

I fell asleep at Niall's house, I didn’t wake up till it was dark outside. I looked over at Niall who was curled up in a ball, still naked.

I sat up and started getting dressed, trying to be careful not to wake up Niall. My body ached but mostly my legs and stomach, I hoped that would go away soon. When I was all dressed I walked down the stairs, surprised to see Niall's parents not home yet, guess they really had to be somewhere. I grabbed my purse which was on the floor, got my jacket and walked out of the house quietly. I turned down the street and walked to the corner where I have to cross. Right as I was about to walk across the street someone bumped into me, I didn’t see them coming or anything, guess I’m just peoples punching bag. I fell onto the ground and so did the person who bumped into me.

“Honestly, can you watch where you're going” I say watching the person stand up.

They removed their hood and I saw the persons face. Harry, it was Harry.

I see the look on his face and he seems upset.

“I'm so sorry, here let me help you” he holds out his hand and I take it, standing up and making sure I look okay. “I am really very sorry, guess I can’t help but bump into you when I’m around you”

For some reason I took that as flirting and I blushed like the idiot I am.

“It's fine” I said quietly.

“So what are you doing out here so late?” he asks me.

“I'm walking home from a friend’s” the word friends still stung me

“Oh, well let me walk you, it’s the least I can do”

I shake my head, “No really it’s not that far away I'll be fine”

“Mimi come on, maybe it could be a chance to get to know each other?”

How did he know my name? I looked at him for a second, we've never really talked before, all was usually said was ‘I'm sorry, let me help you with that, or maybe I'll see you around’. We never discussed names so obviously he was checking out who I was and asking around.

“Alright, I guess it couldn’t hurt” I shrug and we start walking, well obviously Harry was just following me to my house.

It was quiet for the first couple of minutes, we only said a few words but nothing really to make a conversation about, I guess Harry hated how quiet it was because he started asking questions.

“So, do you have any brothers or sisters?” he asks me.

“One older sister, how about you?”

“Same, one older, annoying sister”

I giggle a little and Harry smiles.

“So how was the date with Gabriela?” I ask, but after wishing I could take it back, it wasn’t the right question to ask.

Harry laughs a little, “Not very good, no offense but she’s not really good with the whole date and boyfriend thing, you know?”

I laugh, “Oh trust me I know, but give her another chance, she was excited when you asked her out. She really does like you Harry”

“Yeah but a lot of other girls really like me too, you know just for once I want to be normal and not popular. I want to be like your friend, what’s his name, Niall? No one really cares about him and not everyone is in love with him.”

“Excuse me?” I stopped walking and looked at Harry, was he being serious?

“I'm really sorry, that came out wrong. You know what I mean though don’t you? I mean he seems like a cool guy and all but no one really pays much attention to him”

I start walking again and roll my eyes; Harry should just shut his mouth.

“I don’t know how to put that lightly, either way it sounds bad but I don’t mean it to be honestly. I’m just trying to say that I want to be normal for once. I would trade places with Niall any day”

“Believe me it’s not all fun and games with Niall, there’s a lot more going on than you know”

“Well let’s think about the pros here. He isn’t praised for everything he does, not everyone cares if he fails at something, girls aren’t all over him all the time, he isn’t portrayed as the sex crazed womanizer, he seems actually normal, and he gets to hang around you”

I blush again like I did earlier, that meant Harry actually thought I was cool.

“I don’t know if Niall likes hanging out with me that much” I didn’t know what I was saying, of course Niall liked hanging out with me… or did he?

“Haven’t you guys had sex at least once? I mean if you haven’t that boys got to get it together, a pretty girl like you in his life and he hasn’t touched you that would be downright dumb”

I giggle, if only Harry knew.

We get to my house a few minutes later; the walk was a little longer with me stopping whenever Harry said something rude about Niall. Harry walked me up to my door and just stood there looking at me.

“Thanks for walking me home Harry, you didn’t have to” I say.

“No problem at all, it was fun, well I had a good time, not sure if you did though” he smiles and playfully bumps my arm with his.

I reach for the door but Harry stops me. He leans over to my ear and I feel his breath, it gives me chills.

“I can tell you obviously like Niall a lot but maybe we could change that” he kisses my cheek softly. “Hope to see you around Mimi”

I watch him smile and walk down the porch, that boy was so strange. I walked inside but started to wonder something, why was Harry outside at this time anyway? At least I had an alibi, I let it go and walk down the hall to my room. Everyone was asleep and no one even noticed I left, so much for a loving family. I closed my bed room door and crawled into my bed and curled up, my stomach and legs still hurt like a bitch but I will have to get used to it for now.

I thought about Niall and how he said we were just… friends. Even after I gave him my virginity he could’ve said something about how we could try and have a relationship, but no. friends, who like to have sex.

But Taylor was right, you love the idiot who took your virginity, and I guess you could say I was in love with Niall.

-end of chapter-

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