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I decided to hang out with Alya and Jovante all day but eventually, we had to depart. So I went back to my stay and lied down in my room. I was still stuck in this like, hate situation. I didn't think it would this hard to avoid him when he's not even here.

As soon as I got comfortable, Tyson comes into my room and begs me to get out of bed. "Sissy, can you come play with us?" I assumed he meant him and our parents, but I didn't want to tell him no, I haven't had time with just my family since we got here. "Okay," I gave in, getting up and following him into the family room. "Hi there," Jace said sitting on the floor in front of Tyson's toy line up, winking at me as a smirk pulled at the end of his plump red and moist lips. God if I could...

I approached him confused as to why he would show up here. "What are you doing here?" I asked him. He stands up and towers above me and looks down on me. "Well I came to see you and see if I could change your mind about what you said today in the woods, but when I came to the door, your mom said you just got here and then invited me for dinner. I was going to say no but your brother saw me and asked me to play so I'm here. And don't say you didn't miss me because I made sure you would." he said crossing his arms in front of his broad chest. I rolled my eyes. "You should leave. Now!" I semi-whispered but caught my mother's attentions and she comes into the family room.

"Is everything okay in here?" she asked. "Uh, yeah. Everything is fine mom." I told her, just so she wouldn't worry. I was kind of mad that she gave him permission to be in my room, but it's not something to go crazy about. "Okay, if you guys need anything, don't be afraid to ask," she stated before walking back into the kitchen. I turned to Jace and he had a big smile on his face. "Guess I don't have to leave," he said smugly. I sighed loudly before sitting on the floor to play with Tyson and then Jace joining me.

I have to admit, I had fun with the two of them. Tyson was enjoying himself, so I kept all my comments and thoughts to myself. When my mom finished cooking, she called us into the dining room and put our plates on the table. My dad was helping her clean up and set the table. When we all gathered, it didn't take long to start a conversation. It was fun until Jace started talking to me. 

"Babe, can you pass me a napkin," he said casually. I bit back on my food, handed him the napkin and prayed no one heard him. "Babe?" my mom asked. "When did this happen?" my dad asked after taking a sip of his water and harshly putting it down on the table. "No, nothing is going on, Jace is just trying to be funny," I said trying to explain.  "Well I don't think that's a very funny joke." my dad stated. "That's because I'm not joking," Jace said taking another bite of his food.

He wasn't phased by any of this, he knew exactly what the hell he was doing. I should've known. "Can one of you explain what's going on?" my other asked, insisting that we make it clear to her what was happening.

 "Jade, you didn't tell them?"  Jace asked still eating and if I wasn't thinking too hard about it, I'd probably punch him in his pretty face. "Tell us what?" my dad said putting down his fork and looking at me waiting for me to tell him whatever it was that I didn't tell him. "Please not right now," I begged, looking down at my plate. My appetite was lost for the second time today. "Jade." my dad pushed and I could feel a lump in my throat form. I hated when he was mad at me. 

I took a deep breath. My eyes never left the piece of chicken on my plate. "Jace might be my mate..." I mumbled. "If I heard you right you just said Jace might be your mate?" my mother asked and my father took a deep breath. "Not might, she is my mate." Jace clarified. "I think you should go now, Jace." I said lowly. "No, he can stay. Jade! Why didn't you tell us? Especially that the Alpha's son is your mate?" My mom asked. 

I can't believe he would do that. Why would he do that? "Maybe because I don't want him to be my mate.." I trailed. "Excuse me, Jade, I can't hear you." My mom pushed. "Maybe because I don't want him to be my mate!" I shouted slamming my hands on the table and then standing up. "I'm going to my room," I started. I turned around and looked at Jace. "If you follow me, I guarantee, you will wish I wasn't your mate either."  I said before walking away to my room and slamming it behind me.

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