Chapter Four.

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Back with Rayan, he scanned through school looking for Courtney. No signs of her anywhere. Ray knew he would have been done seen her by now.

"Aye, you seen Courtney?" he nervously asked Pooh. "Naw. I was just about to ask you," she replied back. The two of them walked up to Alicia at her locker. "Licia, you seen Courtney?" Pooh asked. Alicia shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. I haven't talked to her since Friday."

Rayan sighed slamming his hand on his face. "Ray, relax, we're gonna find Courtney," Pooh sternly said. "I don't get it. Usually, she'd call me, or something. I haven't heard anything from her," Rayan stressed. "It's okay!" Pooh exclaimed. "We'll find your girlfriend, and MY bestfriend."

Rayan nodded. "Good looking out, but can I share something with you?" 

"Wassup?" Pooh asked. "She have mentioned Meek once in a while," Ray said. "Oh, why would she mention Meek?" Pooh asked. "He'd tried to hit on her, and it creeped her out," Ray replied. "Oh...shit," Pooh said slowly. "What Pooh?" Rayan said. "You don't think Meek has anything to do with it, do you?" she nervously asked. "If he does, then I'll kill his fucking bitch ass where he stand," Ray gritted through his teeth.

The whole day of school, he couldn't keep his mind off of Courtney. He was extremely worried about her. The pressure and anxiety was eating him alive. Then, the bell rung, and he sprinted out of class. He scurried to his bus, and sat in the closet seat, On the bus, he'd tried calling Courtney again---but, no answer. He grunted, and got off the bus at his stop. He jogged home, and stormed to his brother, Tyrek room.

"Yo Tyrek!" he called out, shaking his brother awake. "Yeah?" Tyrek groaned, as he woke up. "Have you heard from Meek?" his questioned with his breathing rough. Tyrek was wide awake then. "Naw," he sat up, and patted next to him. "Why?"

Ray sat down. "My girlfriend is missing, and I have a strong ass feeling that Meek is the reason," he stated, looking down. "Why would you think Meek got something to do with it?" Tyrek asked. "You know Rek! He tried to get on with her that day, and you had to come save us!" Ray pointed out. "Oh yeah. I remember that," Tyrek nodded. "Soo, this nigga done kidnapped my girlfriend, and imma put a bullet in his head," Ray exclaimed. 

"Calm down bro," Tyrek plainly said. "How can I Rek?" Ray yelled. "Aye! Calm your nerves! I'll take care of that nigga for you bruh!" Tyrek yelled. "Yeah, whatever. Just hope I be there to witness it," Ray grumbled, walking back to his room. Tyrek sighed as he grabbed a pillow behind his neck, and turned on his TV.

Ray in his room, called Courtney's mother, Carmen, to see if she knew anything. 

"Hello?" Carmen answered, in a shaky tone. "Ms. Carmen, this is Rayan," Ray said. "Oh hey Ray," Carmen said, sniffling. "Are you okay Ms. Carmen?" Ray asked. "No Ray!" she cried. "My baby is missing, and no one has the slightest clue where she is!"

"I know she's missing because I didn't see her in school today," Ray stressed. Then, he heard more crying. "I know Rayan, I know." she mumbled, in her crying. "Can I come over to help out with Sabrina?" Ray asked. "Sure," she said, then hung up. Ray got up, and fixed his clothing. He was wearing a purple Hollister shirt, some khaki cargos, some purple/black Jordans, and a LA Lakers snapback. He stuffed his phone, and charger into his pocket, pacing to Tyrek's room.

"Yo Rek, take me over Courtney's house," Ray ordered. "Ight," Tyrek slid on a shirt, and grabbed his keys. They jogged to the car, and right before they got to the car, Meek pulled up. "Wassup nigga?" Meek inquired. Ray popped his knuckles, but Tyrek held him back. "Ray, get in the car," Tyrek said. Ray shook his head. "What is it Meek?" Tyrek exclaimed. "I was just coming to holler at y'all, my two niggas," Meek smirked.

"I ain't this motherfucker's nigga," Ray growled at Tyrek. "Shut up," Tyrek whispered. "Yo, have you heard about that girl missing?" Tyrek asked Meek. "What girl?" Meek asked. "Courtney," Ray added. Meek looked at Ray, and Ray could tell that he had 'guilty' written all over his face. 

"Oh naw, I haven't heard about that," Meek smirked. Ray could tell he was lying, but didn't say anything. He would just leave it to Tyrek to handle. "Oh really?" Tyrek inquired. "Yeah. But, I'm finna head to the crib. See y'all," Meek drove off. "That motherfucker is guilty," Ray growled, as he got in the car. Tyrek shook his head. "We don't know anything until we have evidence Ray," Tyrek explained. Ray nodded. "You're right."

Tyrek, then drove to Courtney's house and let Ray out. "Call me when you want me to come and get you," Tyrek stated. "Alright," Ray replied. Tyrek drove off, and Ray knocked on the front door. Just seconds later, crying Carmen opened the door.

"Hey Ms. Carmen," Ray hugged her. She hugged him back. She moved aside, and let Rayan inside of the house. Ray came in, and sat on the couch. "Ms. Carmen, aren't you a detective?" Ray asked. "Why, yes I am," Carmen answered. "I think I know who has something to do with Courtney's kidnapping," Ray stated. "Who? Please, tell me who the son of a bitch is!" Carmen sneered. "I think it's Meek," Ray said. "Meek Thomas."

"That dude who's known as Meek Money around here?" she exclaimed. Ray nodded. Then, they heard a knock on the door. Carmen placed her hand pistol in her waist, and approached the door. "Who is it?" she barked. "It's Ron," the man replied, on the other side of the door. Carmen, then sighed and opened the door. "How are you Carmen?" Ron hugged Carmen. "I'm fine Ronald," she snarled. "I wish I knew who took my babygirl, I'd take that motherfucker out my damn self," he growled. Now it was Rayan's knowledge that, that's Courtney's father.

"Oh, Ron, this is her boyfriend," Carmen told him, pointing to Rayan. Rayan grew nervous, and uncomfortable. "Oh nice to meet you son," Ron nodded. "And Ray, that's Ron, Courtney's father," Carmen stated. "Oh okay. Nice to meet you too sir," Ray smiled. "Now, we need to get down to buisness," Ron said sternly. Ray quickly nodded.

"Well, I actually think it was Meek Thomas who got something to do with her kidnapping," Ray said. "How do you figure?" Ron asked. "Because, the other day, he'd tried to come onto her, and it scared her. Then, I was there the time after that when he tried to hit on her again. My brother had to shoo Meek off," Ray stated. Ron grew more furious. His face cringed in anger, and his breathing was heavier. "Ron, relax," Carmen said. Ron nodded. "Where is Sabrina?" Ray asked, in curiousity. "She's in my bedroom sleeping," Carmen said. "Daddy's baby," Ron smiled. "But, I want my first babygirl back."

Meanwhile, at the warhouse, Courtney laid on the queen sized bed shivering from her crying.

She got out of the bed, and turned the thirty six inch TV. She seen that on MTV Catfish: The TV Show was on. She'd always been interested to watch that show. She watched TV until she heard the door creek open and shut. There, walked Meek back into the room where she was.

"Hey there sexy," he smirked. She didn't reply, but instead, watched TV. Meek noticed her watching TV. and turned it off. She sighed, and turned to her side. Meek pulled her out of bed, and threw her on the floor. She looked at him, in great fear.

"I said something to your ass, you should speak back," he growled, blowing her to the face. She winced, as he hit her several more times, and kicked her in her stomach. When he was finished, she leaned against the bed, spitting out blood. She wiped her nose, and eyes. Her nose had been bleeding, because he busted it. He threw a roll of tissue at her, and it her in her head. She grabbed the tissue, and wiped her nose up, and cleaned her face. She cried wondering when was she gonna be released from this hell hole.



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