Chapter 8 : Heels

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Shit Shit Shit

I look at my phone in disguise. This is so bad. Why things like this happen to me?

I still can't believe that people are so crazy. Privacy is important.

Harry's fan, who are also known as directioners, found my Facebook account and my pictures are everywhere. And this is bad because all the pictures are old and I look so weird. I had long wavy light hair back then, which is becoming a joke now.

Puberty is a blessing.

I deleted my account just as I got the news that my embarrassing pictures have leaked. Well, I'm not the only one who has pictures like these. It was cool to wear goggles then, try to look as funky as possible. Putting pictures with friends who are cool too and get about 30-40 likes on them. That was a paradise back then.

Harryandtaylor is still trending and I've been on so many magazines. I wonder why people want to be famous. It's irritating.

One of the most horrible experiences of my life involves being trapped by paparazzi who are taking pictures of me. I didn't even put my makeup on today.

"Taylor, you sign here." Stella said.

About 10 people are sitting here looking all professional and I'm here in my black crop top and jeans looking like a criminal. Stella even cringed when she saw me coming here looking like this. Well, she needs to know that everyone has different taste. I don't like her pinky shinky clothes that she is wearing but I kept quiet.

I spend the whole night thinking about the matter and slept after making a decision that I'm doing it. They are offering me money and a new apartment. I can get away from this shithole. But when I woke up and saw the pictures, I wanted to think again.

But there's no use. I have already signed and passed it to Harry for his signature. Harry signed and I took a moment to look at him. The guy looks nice in everything. His hair is wet, and looks fresh. Okay, I'm kind of obsessed with men who have good hair but being obsessed with this guy is the last thing on my list.

Hello, I have a boyfriend.

Yeah, the boyfriend who possibly forgot about me.

Shut up, Taylor. Stop talking nonsense. He's just busy.

"Ah! It's done." Stella said and takes a last look at the documents.

"And Taylor." She looks at me. "Today is Harry's friend, Nick's birthday."

"Who's Nick?" I asked.

"Harry's friend." She said.

I roll my eyes. What is wrong with people?

"I know. I'm asking that.. you know, what forget it. You want me to go with him?" I asked.

She nods and just as she was about to say something I start again.

"Fine. I'll go with him." I said.

"Wait. I'll send a stylist. She'll take care of everything."

"Everything?" I raise my eyebrow.

"Your makeup. Dress. Everything."

I smile at her one last time before rolling my eyes and getting out from the room. I can sense someone behind me, I take a look an saw Harry.

"So, my dear girlfriend."

"Stop it, Harry." I said.

"Let me give you a ride, my dear girlfriend." He said again.

"You call me your girlfriend one more time.." I threatened him.

"Sorry.. My dear... Taylor."

"Why did I sign there?" I asked God.

"Oh by the way, you can move in to your new apartment tomorrow."

It was like a light in my dark life.

"Thank god."

A new apartment.

"Wear something sexy for me today." He winks and get inside his car.

He's in such a good mood today. I wonder what happened.


After sitting still for such a long time on one seat and observing a few people doing something on my face I'm finally done.

I'm wearing a white dress with some design on this. I didn't even have time t look at it carefully. Gosh, these people are so fast. My hair is styled. I can't believe they did so many things on me. I wonder how people will take this.

I'm sure everyone who knows me would start laughing if they see me like this. I look like a lady.

I can imagine my mom crying when she see me. But unfortunately that's never going to happen. I'm never going to dress up like this on my own will. This is ridiculous. First, it takes too much time to get ready and then you have to hurt yourself by wearing these heels and at the end of the night you have to rub your face to get this makeup off. That's too much time waste.

I look at my reflection in the mirror and I can't recognize myself. This is me? Taylor?

Oh Shit.

That's me.

"Mr. Styles is here." One of the makeup artists said. She's short and has grayish hair and even showed me a picture of her daughter. She was so cute.

I take a last glance at myself before leaving the room. Harry was sitting on my couch and drinking water. He is wearing a suite. This is the first time I've seen him like this and he looks so handsome. Doesn't he always look good?

I stand in front of him and just as he looks at me, his eyes widen and the water from his mouth spill out making me cringe.

"Ew. Harry!" I scolded him. "This is an expensive carpet."

"I-" He clears his throat. "I'm sorry. I mean, you look.. um. .nothing. Let's go?" He briefly checks out my breasts and I smirk.

"You just checked me out." I said.

"No, I didn't." He said.

"Yes you did."

"Let's go. Okay?" He said and walks away. I chuckle at his response.

"You know Mr. Styles. It's horrible. All these things are just horrible." I said pointing at my tight dress.

I sit inside his car and finally relax. Ah, it smells so good.

"And the heels are just terrible." I continue to rant.

"I can't do anything. We can't exchange our shoes."

I look at him, impressed by the idea.

"Have you ever worn heels?" I asked him.

He gives me a weird look and looks straight with a little smile. "No."

"Oh my gosh, you're lying." I said.

"What? No." He looks away.

"Oh My God. Harry!" I shrieked.

"Okay, just once. I wanted to see if I can look tall."

"When did you do it?" I am so excited with all this.

"Long time ago. Let's stop talking about it."

"It happened recently." I said. He's so easy to read.

"Okay just a few months ago. But I fell so I threw them away and then my sister nearly killed me because they were her favorite."

"I can't believe it." I said.

"Then don't."

"Are you kidding me? This is the best thing I've ever heard. We should definitely exchange our footwear."

"Shut up, Taylor. We're here." He said and the car stops.

I nearly fainted at the sight. There were paps everywhere with cameras in their hand and shouting something. This is going to be a disaster.

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