Chapter 11 : Coming Home

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I can hear someone talking as I restrain myself from waking up. Isn't it the worst thing about mornings?

Every morning I have to fight this battle of waking up which never seems to go my way because at the end waking up always wins.

The whispers become noises of two people. I quickly open my eyes and realize that this isn't my bed. Hell, this isn't even my room. Where the hell am I?

I stand up and hurriedly walk toward the door to open it. There stand Harry talking to a lady dressed in formal. He has a glass of wine in his hand and the lady holds an iPad. What is happening? Where am I?

"Harry?" I question him. Please just give me the answer to my questions before I even say anything because I'm not in a mood of anything.

"Hi, Taylor. You're up. You sleep a lot." He smiles.

"Excuse me?" I said. "First of all, tell me what is happening?" I demand.

"Do you not remember?" He looks at me as if I did a huge crime.


"We're going to Nashville." He said.

"What the fu-"

"I told you about it tomorrow and you even agreed."

"Just because I agreed doesn't mean I'm going." I said. I'm really losing my mind right now.

"Yes, it does."

"Harry, stop talking."

And then I realize that I'm probably in a private jet with Harry as I look out of the window.

"How did I get here?"

"I think you were sleep walking."

"Harry Styles, you're in trouble." I said angrily.

"Do you want anything? That's the restroom, you can brush your teeth there." He said, pointing towards a blue door.

I look at him, as if telling him to stay away from me, because I don't know what all I can do. I had a full on plan on being sick today so that I won't be able to go. But seems like there's absolutely nothing I can do about it.

I give up as I take a deep breath and walk towards that blue door. There's no hope now. I can't do anything but go to Nashville, the place where I never want to go back.

"You're going to pay for it."

"The pink one is the spare brush." He said as I close the door.

It's complicated; every single thing is complicated now. I can't do anything that can make me not go there. I left that place for a reason, so that I can't go back there. I still remember that night when I made this plan.

I just took one luggage with me which had all my precious things and ran away from home. I remember my parents calling me non stop to know where I am but I didn't pick up their phone. They knew the seriousness of the situation and were worried that I'd do something I shouldn't because of what was happening in our lives.

I called them a month after telling them about everything, where I am and what I'm doing there. They knew that it's better for me to stay away from that place for a while, to let me have a change me in my life but never realized that I made a plan to never go back there.

And now as I finish brushing my teeth and bath, I know that we're there. Private jets don't usually take that much time.

"Are we there?" I said quietly. Harry probably noticed the change in my voice and stopped what he was doing, and looks at me.

"Taylor, is there something I should know about? I mean, you aren't interested in going. Why is that? Your family is there."

"Harry, I don't want to talk about it. I want to keep things to myself."

He doesn't tear away his gaze away from me which made me uncomfortable. I take the newspaper from the table and walk away from there.

"Ms. Swift, hope you'll have a great time in Nashville." One of Harry's servants said and I didn't even look at the person.

The smell of this place reminds me of all the memories it holds. It feels weird but the in front of me is so familiar that it kind of compresses the anger that I hold.


"I love this place." Harry said smiling and looking outside his window of the car. I don't even know why I'm sitting with him in the same car, well, all I can say is that he has great convincing powers.

"Why are you so dull?" He asked me.

I give him a look, the one that I've been giving him since I woke up. He's probably used to this look so he's ignoring my death glare.

"Why are you so excited?"

"Because I find this place amazing." He answers.

"And I don't." I said.


"I wasn't aware that you're taking my interview on the most annoying thing. Should I wear more makeup to answer your questions, Mr. Styles?" I give him a sarcastic smile but he ignores it again.

As the car is moving, the view outside is running. I remember every single thing, every single memory that I made, no matter how hard I try I can never forget it.

"Is this the right place?" Harry asks as we stop.

I take a deep breath and observe the place that I used to call my home. It's changed a lot since the past few years. The paint isn't that dull as it used to be, the blue color in a few places makes it so unique.

My mother has worked real hard on the gardening as it looks beautiful as ever. She has told me a few times on the phone on how much she's working for it but now I can see.

I enter the house and admire it and am so enrolled in it that I forgot that Harry has already rung the bell and someone is opening the door. I freaked out for a second before seeing a very familiar face.

"Taylor. You're here?" My dad smiles. He seems very shocked to see me and is staring at me as if I'm Robert Downey Jr. but I completely understand this reaction.

"What are you saying, Da-" Lily enters the scene. Her eyes widen and her mouth opens.

"OH MY GOD. TAYLORRR. YOU'RE ACTUALLY HERE!" She yells and I cringe hearing the high pitched tone.

"You need to calm dow-" Suddenly she puts her arm around me and hugs me which completely shocked me. I never imagined having a hug from her after what happened.

For a few seconds I was confused about what to do, my internal battle is making me conscious. But I finally give in and hug her and the warmth it gave me was enough to forget what happened between us for that duration.

"Thank you for coming." She said and look everywhere but me. She leaves all of us and I stand there in confusion if what I did was actually real or just a part of my imagination.

"Told you it's going to be great." Harry whispered to me but I'm still lost.



Has anyone ever been to Nashville? What is the place like?

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