Chapter 27 - The Dinner

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My last google search was 'How to look better than another woman who looks like a model and spent the night with your fake boyfriend'.

Unfortunately the results were unsatisfactory.

So I was on youtube for hours, looking for some makeup tutorials and look books and that made me realize that my choice of clothes are quite different. People don't seem to understand the black trend, instead pastel is what everyone raves about.

All of this made me go to a mall and buy a golden short dress for myself. The decision was impulsive but I know for a fact that I want to look better. For some reasons, there is a hint of competition and I want to win it. Even though I'm not sure what this 'it' is.

With the limited amount of time, I believe I did great. I made a mental note to explore more about makeup.

I enter the fancy restaurant where Harry and Amanda are. I walk with all my confidence and I can feel people turning their heads towards me, that boost up my spirit. Heels have always given me so much power and I know that I can nail this easily.

Amanda looks at me first and her eyes widen in surprise and in a second she relaxes. Well, I looked like a garbage when I met her this morning.

Harry stands up and looks down at my legs.

"Eyes up here." I said.

"Shit. Sorry. You look-" I kiss him on his cheek.

"Beautiful." He finishes.

"Thanks, Harry."

"Yeah, you look good." Amanda smiles.


I sit closer to Harry and the reason I give for this is that paps are everywhere.

We still are considered as couple goals even though we usually spend time in our apartment and not publicize it.

I've had people jump on me when I'm buying groceries and they'd ask me about Harry and our relationship.

"You know I was in one of the Grey's Anatomy episode." Amanda said.

"Yeah, I couldn't get the time to watch that episode but I've heard it was great."

I already knew that she was in it. She was a pregnant lady in the episode who couldn't stop burping and at the end dies.

I also know that she went to Met Gala this year but I'm going to keep quite and not let anyone know that I spent a lot of time to google her as well.

"Taylor, have you met Gemma yet?" She asked and I look at Harry because I know that she knows what my answer is.

"Not yet, actually."I answered.

"Gemma is just amazing. She's obviously the better Styles." Amanda said.

"I'm going to pretend that I didn't hear you say that." Harry rolls his eyes.

I want to zone out because my answers are always 'no' to all Amanda's questions and I don't seem to like it.

Taylor, have you ever been to Italy?, Taylor, you know Harry's mom?,Taylor, have you watched Harry's movie?

My answer is 'no' to everything.

My full focus is now on the food. I believe food is the only happiness.

Amanda and Harry seem very close. Amanda does know a lot about him and she knows that I'm losing in this area.

The amount of times she said 'Oh, you don't know that about Harry?' is not countable. She even knows about his cat who died 10 years ago.

"Remember when Anne used to think that we were dating?" She asked Harry and he nods.

"It was hilarious." She turns towards me. "She always used to say that we look good together."

I can lose my patience any minute now.

So, I try to mentally mute her. It's better for both of us.

I might not know much about Harry's personal life but I know Harry better than her. I know he loves gazing up at stars, I know he likes to be in control of situation, I know he cries while watching an emotional movie but tries to hide it by coughing.

She's leaning towards Harry and laughing about something that they did years ago. 

"Stella used to hate me though." She said.

"I remember it all too well." He said. "But she doesn't hate Taylor."

"Really? She likes you."

"She does not hate me. Like is a strong word." I said.

"This in between situation is a bit weird. That she does not hate you but doesn't like you either." She said and I mentally roll my eyes.

"Well, it's better than hating someone." I answered.

I am the happiest to see that our dinner was over. Amanda is still talking non sense and I'm still trying to ignore it. She has now moved on to a better topic which is Spain.

We walk outside the hotel together, I hold Harry's hand and I can see that she noticed it.

"It's cold outside." Harry said as we are waiting for our car.

"I talked to Stella today. She told me that your contract is going to end soon."

I look at her, she shouldn't have said this. My mind is fuming now. Did she just really say that?

"Well, there's still some time left." I said, trying to be calm but I'm losing myself from the inside.

"Well, just a month."

"That's enough." I said and pull Harry towards me.

I kiss him on the lips and I can feel that I surprised him but he kissed me back after a second.

I pull away and smile. I like kissing him, even though we've rarely kissed.

I'm never happy with these short kisses but we can't do anything other than this.

I like him.

His smile, his face, him.


What am I thinking?

My thoughts seem to roam around a lot these days. I had a pretty decent and happy life till yesterday but today after meeting this devil, things don't seem to go my way.

I'm not even sure why all of this is bothering me.

But it sure is and it's real.

I am just looking out for a friend?

I have a problem of having too many senseless thoughts in my mind.

I look at Amanda and she sure is surprised by the kiss that Harry and I just shared. It was very much needed for many reasons.

"Well, I'm staying at a hotel tonight so I should call my driver." Amanda said and looks down at her phone.

This is a good feeling.

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow?" Harry asked.

"At Zayn's pool party? Definitely." She replied.


I can't bear to be around her another day. When is she leaving anyway?

Harry was really excited about Zayn's party because he'll be seeing his band members after a long time. One Direction is on a hiatus which seems to be going forever.

It's good that they all support each other and their accomplishments. 

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