Chapter 13 : The Movie

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I wake up with a painful headache, that is slowly getting to my whole body. I try to sit up, but after trying and failing, thought I should just give up. Sleeping the whole day is always a great idea.

"Taylor, are you up?"

But unfortunately people never really like this idea of my sweet sleep.

"Taylor!" Harry opens the door of my room, and find me trying to open my eyes.

"Leave me alone. Go." I tried to yell.

"Okay. But your mom said you have to get a dress for the dinner with Tyles's parents."


That's a big no for me.

Meeting Tyler is the last thing I want to do. I know it has been a very long time but there are things that should be avoided.

I look at Harry, looking at me, want me to give him something, any answer. I know it's hard for him to be here in front of so many unknown people.

"How was your night?"

"It was great, we played poker and then drank and then poker."

Oh he's bored here. He's doing this for me, I should be reciprocating the same thing.

"Let's go out for a movie." I said.

"Can we do that? You have a hangover." He sits beside me on the bed.

"Not now,tonight."

"But the dinner-"

"Fuck the dinner. I don't want to be there anyway. And i don't want your opinion, I was stating that we'll go for a movie. Be ready."

He chuckles and then shakes his head. I like this innocent, cute Harry, there was a time I never liked such people but Harry I like him.

"Aye Aye Captain. Also, there's a glass of water and aspirin." He points towards the table beside my bed. I'm sad that I have to get up and take it all by myself, I'm in a state when I have to think twice before doing something.

"Thanks." I said and he leaves the room.

Harry's P.O.V.

"Yes, I remember. He sang 'Crazy Little Thing Called Love' and he was so good. Almost everyone from our college were crazy about him." Mrs. Swift is telling me her story.

"And I was crazy about her." Mr. Swift ends the story.

I can see the blush on her face, it has been a long time and the love feels the same. I always wanted this. The true love.

"But your mom hates me."

"No, she doesn't." Mr. Swift knows it's the truth.

"Well, in one of our parties she told everyone that her favorite movie is 'Monster In Law'."

"I love the movie too."

"Oh Scott, you can say whatever you want but the truth is the truth. Also, you were after my friend first."

"Oh no. Okay, well I was maybe the moment I saw you I knew you were the one for me."

They smile at each other and I feel like a stupid person watching their love from the outside.

"Look at everything now, our daughter is getting married soon."

I look at Lily, she's on the sofa, with chips all over her and watching some rom-com movie that I'm sure I've never seen before. This is the first time I've seen her like her, makeup less, wearing weird clothes that I'm sure aren't her size.

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