Chapter 26 - Stones

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Harry has been very busy in preparing for his next album and is running from places to places, trying to get his things done in the right way possible. And on top of that, he had his movie premier last night. He's one hell of a mess right now.

So basically, he has been having some really tough days.

"I thought you were the sensible one." I told Lily on the phone.

"I am married. It's okay to be pregnant when you're married." She said. I wish she was here with me telling me this news.

"I know. But you guys just married. JUST!"

"I know you're happy. You just don't know how to express that." She said and I couldn't help but smile.

It's the little things that happen between us that makes us stronger.

"I want to hug you so bad."


Lily is pregnant.

She's going to be a mother.

I know she's going to be great. She always has been such a great person and I know her child is going to be so lucky to have her as a mother.

I tried to keep my tears to myself but the thought of the little one is too much to hold.

She's going to be a mother.

I'm going to be an aunt.

"This is so special." I started crying. The fact that she'll have a family is so special.

She deserves it.

"How is Tyler?" I asked.

"Oh, he couldn't control himself. He started crying and then jumped everywhere. It was really difficult to control him."

"I'm so happy for both of you."

"Thank you. It's wonderful." She is trying so hard to stay calm.

"Where are you by the way?" She asked.

"I'm on my way to Harry's apartment. Just outside." I said as I take my time before ringing the doorbell.

"Okay. So, I have to go now."

"Good bye. And I'm so happy."

"I'm happy too. Bye."

I ring the doorbell. I have Harry's favorite sandwiches with me. I thought he'll love this surprise. Since I couldn't be with him last night for his movie premier, I thought I should do something for him.

The door opens and an unfamiliar woman is there. I step back, thinking that it's the wrong door.

Wait. This is the right one.

"Um. Is Harry here?" I asked.

"You must his girlfriend." She smiled at me.


"The fake one. I know all about it." She couldn't stop smiling.

I don't understand a thing that is happening right now. Shouldn't she introduce herself? I look at her attire and realize that she's wearing Harry's t-shirt and shorts.

I suddenly feel like running  away, but I didn't. I decided to face this.

Did he hookup with someone last night?

And she knows about our relationship.

My mind is continuously going on many places. The thought of Harry spending a night with someone else is making me annoyed.

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