Chapter 9 : The neigbor

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I open my eyes and see the beautiful designer ceiling. Ah, this is life.

Last night was boring as hell. We were at the party just for an hour and left as it was getting dull. I didn't talk to anyone, although there were a few women who were eying me but I couldn't care about those barbies.

When we left that place Harry surprised me by taking me to my new apartment where all my stuffs were already here. I remember not believing it when I saw this apartment.

It's heaven.

I couldn't stop jumping, but I had to because I was wearing a shoulder less dress and I didn't want Harry to see my things. He left my apartment after a few minutes and I started exploring this place.

It has 2 rooms, one dining, one kitchen, a beautiful balcony outside and one extra room for god knows what. The TV is huge, the furnitures are lovely, the mattress is so soft, there is food in the refrigerator and clothes in the cupboard.

I found a short note on the table telling me that Stella brought all the clothes for me because she isn't a fan of my style.

What the actual hell.

I love my style.

Dark is the father of all colors. Why ruin colors with that tackiness?

I have way too many shorts and skirts now. I'm sure she likes my long legs.

I start dancing in my apartment as I made my way towards the kitchen. Ice cream. I want ice cream.

If I was in my old house right now, I would have turned down my craving because I'm always too lazy to go out and buy an ice cream but that's not the case now.

I open the fridge and there it is. Butterscotch ice cream.

Ah, I'm in love with this place.

I sit on my soft and comfortable couch and eat ice cream but the door bell ring. Why can't people leave me alone?

I open the door and saw a woman, a very familiar woman.

"Hi." She said. Damn, she's beautiful.

"Hi." I greeted her.

"So, you're new here." She asked.

"Yeah, Oh, come on in." I said and shift a little to give her space to enter.

She enters and looks at my beautiful apartment. Ah, it feels so good to call it my apartment.

"It's a beautiful place." She said. "Yesterday, I saw a lot of people here but didn't know Harry's girlfriend is coming."

I blushed. Harry's girlfriend.

"It feels so weird, this pregnant lady doesn't have anything to do except for the gossips and news that are going on these days." She chuckles.

She sits on the couch and I'm left thinking what to do now. I'm not good at socializing and being a sophisticated and nice person is out of the question. I start thinking about how it is in movies, Ah, I don't watch movies like these.

What to say now?

"I'm Taylor, by the way." I said. Oh yeah, it's cool. It's a good start.

"That's a pretty name. I'm July."

"Oh, My sister is born in July." I said and regretted just as the words left my mouth. Shit.

"Do you want water?" I said and left the hall. I enter my kitchen and take a deep breath. Why did I say that?

I take a glass full of water and give it to her. She has an amused expression on her face and I'm still embarrassed.

"Would you like to come today at our place for dinner?" She asked.

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