Chapter 14 : It's a love story

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"I absolutely hate everyone here." I said and take a sip of my coffee.

"I like everyone here." He said and I roll my eyes.

Why is Harry always smiling like he lives on a rainbow with unicorns?

"Even Alex? She can't stop hitting on you."

"She's pretty." He said. Alex is outside with a few of her friends and all I can think is how fake she is.

"I think she has done some plastic surgery."

"Well, you shouldn't be telling me this."

"And lip injections. I swear her lips were as thin as her hair."

"That's not possible, Taylor."

"And she's just so short."

"Short girls are cute."

"And you're my boyfriend, you shouldn't be calling other girls cute." I said.

"Fake boyfriend." He corrected.

"This is all an act. You should be fully into your role otherwise you're a shitty actor. Which means you shouldn't be talking like this. Leave Alex."

"Okay baby." He said and got closer to me.

"Please never call me that." I stand up and put my cup in the sink.

Everyone in the world knows that I hate doing dishes.

"Excuse me?" There's a red head woman standing.

"Yes?" Harry said.

"Hi, my name is Rachel. I'm your huge fan. I mean, I just love you and your band. You know I cried for a week when Zayn left but the fact that you were still there made me normal. Did I mention I love you?" She was rambling and was getting red.

"Hey babe, you're so sweet. Do you want a picture?" He asked.

She just nod and take out her phone. They took a selfie and she looks so satisfied, she couldn't stop staring at Harry.

"You want one more?" He asked.

And she nods quickly.

"Taylor, please take a picture." He said in his thick British accent. Why is he so polite all the time?

"What, why?"

"Because you're here. Come on." He hands me her phone.

"Who are you anyway?" I asked her. And what is she doing in my house?

"I'm Rachel."

"Yeah, red-head you already mentioned that."

"I'm the bride's best friend." She was trying to show me some sass.

"Also, I'm here trying to get a picture with Harry so if you can do it, it'll be a lot better." She said.

"Oh yeah yeah. Sure. Just keep your mouth shut. You don't want people to see your gigantic mouth."

She rolled her eyes and then posed. Harry was trying not to laugh.

"Thanks blondie." She said and takes the phone with me.

"This blondie has a name." I said.

"What's your name then?"


She scoffs. "What kind of name is Taylor? Weird." She chuckled.

"What kind of name?" I widen my eyes. "Well, your best friend, the bride, her parents gave it to her because they're my parents too." I said.

She muttered a 'shit' as she now remembers that Lily has a sister.

"And this guy." I point to Harry. "The guy you adore so much likes this name because I'm his girlfriend."

Without even thinking, I sat on Harry's lap and give him a kiss on the cheek.

"You're that Taylor." Now she realizes her mistake and she shakes her head.

"I'm so sorry. I was so rude to you. I'm so stupid."

"Save it." I walk away.

I like my classic Taylor walk.

Today seems like a very interesting day. Everyone seems to be having a great day.

"Taylor!" One of Lily's friend, I think he name is Rebecca, called me.

There were many people there, I'm guessing they were waiting for me.

"We're running out of talks." My gay cousin, Jeremy said.


"We want to know how you guys meet." He said.


"You and Harry."

I close my eyes. God, I don't want this.

"Hey, Harry! Taylor is going to tell us the story of how you both met."

He looks at me completely shocked. "Is she? That's a very interesting story." He sits down on my sofa and now he's out of the limelight.

"Yeah, it is." I said, everyone is staring at me. I think the crowd is getting bigger and bigger. I can see my mom and dad, they look excited.

"Baby,I think both of us should tell them the story." I told Harry.

"No. You should." He said while smiling. Kill his white teeth, god.

"It was late and I was going home."

"Yeah, that's how it starts."

I stare at Harry and he stops talking.

"Some guys were following me." I continued. "And I was very scared." I thought I was going to laugh here.

I look at Harry and he knows exactly what I'm talking about.

"And Harry was there so he saved me from those guys."

I smirk at Harry. This actually is how we met but Harry was the scared guy and I saved him.

"I just saw how caring and powerful he was. He wasn't afraid of those guys and that's when I knew he was something." I finished.

Harry was terrified out of his wits then. I chuckle while thinking about that night.

Everyone 'awwwww' at our story.

"That's so sweet." Rebecca said.

"Wasn't it hard for you to be in his life? I mean, he's a star, everyone loves him. Are you ever jealous?"

Harry shifts a bit, wanting to know the answer.

"No, not at all." I fake a laugh here. "I know that they love him as an artist. He's very talented and they just adore his work. I just know that he only loves me, so there's no jealousy." I smile.

Harry laughed as if I just joked and everyone stared at him.

"Oh I just love her so much." He stands up and hug me.

"You're so funny." He whispered in my ear.

"Shut up Harry. Now kiss me." I said.

"We had some rules."

"Fuck them. We have to be realistic. This is a romantic scene going." I told him.


He kisses me, it was just a peck but it was enough for me. I actually liked how soft his lips were.

I am feeling something. I want to kiss him more, I mean just once. Only to see if he's a good kisser. It's not like I want to kiss him because I like how my body feels around him.

"They are so cute!"

"So sweet."

"He's so hot."

"I bet he's good in bed."

"They're my otp."

I heard a few people saying.

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