Chapter 21- Is this a good idea?

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"Where is she?" I asked Lisa, her only friend I know.

I got here as soon as I received the address of hers. Stella said that they have already inquired but I know how intimidating her team is. I'll be a lot smoother and casual.

"I told that 'tight skirt lady' that I don't know."

"That's not possible."

Her house is a mess, pile of clothes everywhere and a smell that I'm sure I don't like. Everything is packed.

"Well it is how it is."

"She must have told you something."

"We had a pretty normal last talk and the next day she vanished."

"Did you not go to the police for this?" I asked. Please say yes.


"And why is that?" Lisa is making me furious every second.

"She sometimes does this."

I roll my eyes. Why I am not surprised that Taylor does such silly things?

"Tell me what happened the last time you guys talked."

She stared at me for a few seconds.

"Why should I tell you everything?" She asked.

"Lisa." I tried to look as helpless as possible. "I really need to know where she is. I need to talk to her."

"I'm sorry, I can't."

"I'll do anything, there has to be something that you can tell me."

She looks at a photograph of two women hanging on the wall.

"It's my sister's wedding next month." She said and I know exactly where this is going.

"You know she was a huge one direction fan." She smiled.

"Was she?"

"Yeah, it would be great if you could sing at her reception. I mean, you were her favorite. What do you think?" She rose one of her eyebrows.

"Why am I not surprised?"

"So, tell me Mr. Styles?"

"Fine. I'll do it. Just tell me what did you guys talked about."

"Excellent! My wedding present will be the best."


"It was a week after she came back from the wedding. She was here and looked pretty upset about something so we ordered pizza. She told me she's thinking about something but she didn't say what exactly."

"Why didn't she say?"

"How am I supposed to know?"

"Okay. Sorry. Continue."

"So, we talked about some cricket match. That's it."

"That's it?"

"Yeah. She looked very tired. She was with Ron that whole day."

Ron. I get angry just by hearing his name.

"She was with him?"

"Yeah. I don't know what they talked about though."

"This Ron guy. Where does he live?"

"No. No. No. No. No. You're not planning on going there."

"I'll just have a little chit chat."

"Do you not know Ron?"


"He's one of the most dangerous guys here. You can't go there."

"What if he said something to her? You said she was upset."

She takes a deep breath. "Listen, I know you are worried and all but she'll come back, she always does. We need to give her some time."

"How much time?"

"I don't know, a day or two or maybe months." She said. She's probably the most useless friend.

"I don't have that much time."

"Why do you want her anyway? She was just acting right? Tell everyone you broke up and better, I can be your girlfriend."

I looked at her. She's wearing an extremely tight and short red skirt, with a tight white shirt and very high heels but she still looks short.

"No. I have some matter I want to discuss."

"You have to wait then, loverboy." She said and takes out a cigarette from her purse. "You want one?" She asked.

"No, thanks."

"I'm still serious about meeting Ron." I said as she lights up her cigarette.

"Bad idea."


"You aren't going to leave me alone." She shakes her head.

"Fine. When do you want to meet him?" She asked.

"Right now is fine with me."

"You're not normal. Wait here, I have to dress up."

"Sure." I smile and can finally feel getting closer to the truth.

My thoughts went to Ron, I'm finally meeting the big guy. He can't be that dangerous, or maybe he is and will kidnap me the second he sees me. Then he can take revenge from me for stealing his girl.

Is this a good idea?

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