Chapter 20- There's a problem

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Four months later..


"She's here!" Mum comes running towards me and I stand up. It has been a long time since I last saw her and I still remember our time together.

The door opens and she run towards my mum and hugs her tightly, I'm standing here with my teeth on display, waiting for her to show me some love.

"Lil brother." She hugs me.


"I hate you so much and you know why."

"Your holiday with your friends was important than your brother coming home after 2 years. Don't blame me for your absence."

"You were here for a month. Only a month and then you went out to shoot a movie or something in such short notice. I had everything planned."

"Movie or something?"


"Why do you always complain? Mom never complains."

"Because she's our mom."

"Wait, who is this?" I notice a man with her, I've seen him before somewhere.

"Hi, my name is John." I shake hands with him.

John as in Gemma's boyfriend? As in the guy she moved in with?

"My boyfriend." Gemma looks at him.


"So, how's the movie going?" Both of them sit next to me.

"It's great. We had the last scene yesterday and today I'm here."

"it's good that the filming took place in England."

"I have to go and take a shower. Will be back soon." I said.

They nod and I start walking towards my room.

It has been 3 months and seems like a year. The news about me lessens, increasing my happiness.

I had to dress up differently so that people wouldn't recognize me. I know it was very difficult for Taylor especially because she was not used to all of this.

I haven't contacted her after our last night where we kissed and she left me.

I gave an audition for a role in a movie about a year ago and when I was home chilling, they called me and told me that I got the role and the shooting will start very soon.

Things started getting in the right place and everyone was happy. Taylor is a undesirable part in my life. I know whatever she is doing, she's getting stronger.

Is she still dating that Ron guy? She still lives in her old apartment? She talks to her sister every day? How's Lily and Tyler's marriage going?

My phone starts ringing and it's Stella so I pick it up after a few rings.


"Good morning, Harry."


"I'm booking your tickets to New York." She said.

"Wait, why?" New York?

"You have a meeting with James about your solo album."

"Yeah but-"

"I got the call they said it's going to be in New York."

"Okay then."

"Also Harry, I'll call Taylor. She has to be ready for her everything as well."

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