Chapter 23- We are here

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I've realized two things, first is that Ron knows everything that is happening in this world and seems to know all the private information as well.

It took him around half an hour to give me full information on Taylor and I was completely blown away by the speed of his people.

Second, that Mumbai's traffic is never ending. I'm in a taxi for one and a half hour and I'm still stuck in traffic. People don't seem to care much about it as they look pretty okay with it.

The weather outside is beautiful and my thoughts seem to be flying around to times I wish I could relive. The times with Taylor. I start thinking about the last night we spend together after her sister's wedding which was the last time we had a talk.

I can't sleep.

I've been trying to sleep for two hours and I can't.

I was hoping to get some sleep after the tiresome wedding but something is keeping me awake, perhaps someone.

But there is absolutely nothing I can do about it. We are different.

There is no way I can understand my soft spot towards her. I can't understand her mood-swings, I can't understand her fetish for dark color even though she looks beautiful in light colors too, I can't understand why she thinks that she can handle everything, I can't understand why she can't walk down the stairs like a normal person but instead would sometimes hop down without even noticing.

I walk out towards the kitchen to check if there's something to eat. I'm not hungry, no, I've had enough during the reception but something is telling me that a little walk would be helpful.

I can see Taylor sitting on the kitchen slab. She notices me and then starts eating ice-cream.

"Grab a spoon." She said.

And I, like always, follow her command.

"Aren't you exhausted?" I asked.

"I am but I can't sleep. There are so many things going on in my mind."

"Same." I sit next to her and starts eating.

"I can't believe that Lily is finally married. I remember when we were little and we used to play this wedding game where she would be a bride. She wanted to marry Johnny Depp back then. Stupid Lily. Everything was so interesting then." She smiled.

"You're afraid that things are going to change." I said. She looks up at me and I know that I said the right thing.

"I don't want to be afraid." She whispered.

I look at her for a few seconds, I see the innocence on her face, making me want to protect her from everything.

"It's okay to be afraid. That's what makes you stronger. And you're strong already, it won't be difficult."

"I'm not strong. People think I am. It is difficult."

I put the ice cream and spoons aside and embrace her into a hug.

"Things will fall into the right place." I said.

"What if they don't? What if they fall into the wrong place?"

I close my eyes and tighten my hug a little.

"No matter where it falls, it will always find its way."

We stay quiet for a minute, hugging each other like it's the only way to stay alive.

I hold her like it's the last time. Is it?

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