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phil sighed loudly, running his fingers over the small stubble that had grown overtime and opened his contacts. he was hesitant before, to call dan, because he figured he should be giving dan as much time as he wants and needs but it is getting impossible for phil to not hear his voice, see his face and touch his skin.

it had been almost a month since dan left phil's apartment, a month since phil had heard dan's high pitched yet strangely calming voice, seen his slightly tanned skin and told him that he was madly in love with him. it was living hell, to have your thoughts occupied by one person and not being able to find any sort of release from the madness. it was driving phil crazy, absolutely psychotic, and he was certain that he could not go a day more without dan.

one could call it foolishness another could call it love. phil had quit his job, his conversation with dan about doing something he actually wanted to do, kept replaying in his head and he couldn't pretend to like his job anymore. now, he had nothing to distract him from dan's dimpled smile and his dusky brown hair, his carefree laughter and his warm eyes. there was no escape from falling deeper in love with him.

each time phil dialled his number, it went straight to his voicemail, a clipped robotic voice booming in phil's ear multiple times. phil was annoyed, angry and hurt. he knew he overreacted that day but it wasn't that big of a deal that dan is ignoring him still. had dan fallen out of love with phil? no, that is not possible.

phil's heart was racing wildly as his desperate fingers tried dialling dan again, but he finally noticed a notification on the corner of his screen, indicating that he had a voicemail. he disconnected the call, and clicked on the red notification.

an inevitable smile spread on his face, and he ran his hand through his hair. he readjusted his position on his bed, and his heart was beating unbelievably fast as he clicked on the voicemail from dan. he was finally going to listen to his voice, and hopefully hear the three reassuring words that he had been dying to hear.

"hey phil, um, it's dan,"



(thank you for letting me know your preference about the plots of the upcoming stories! xx)

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