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phil's mouth is warm and his touch is tender as he holds dan close, gripping the back of his shirt and pulling him into his lap. dan can feel his muscles relaxing, his mind blanking out with every swipe of phil's tongue against his and he is experiencing an intense want for phil all of a sudden. of course he has thought about it before and he was a bit uncertain but right now he was feeling reckless, after all, you only live once.

phil's hands push under dan's shirt, tracing unknown patterns on his back as they continue to kiss, dan's fingers gripping the back of phil's neck to pull him closer. it's a kiss right out of a romance novel, emotional and relaxing and slow and meaningful.

when they part away, they take a deep breath, resting their foreheads together and phil places another kiss over dan's plump lips, dragging his mouth further along his jaw causing dan to let out a satisfied groan. phil's lips are soft and his mouth is hot as it moves along dan's neck and dan tilts his head back to give his lover as much access as possible. phil licks a small strip up dan's neck, pausing to suck on the tanned skin and dan moans, eyelids dropping shut, his legs tightening around phil's waist.

after a few more kisses along dan's smooth skin, phil decides to stop as he doesn't want to rush them into something dan might regret later. so, he just lifts his head and places one last kiss on dan's lips, his fingers still tracing patterns on dan's back. dan opens his eyes at the sudden loss of contact, the warmth previously brewing in the pit of his stomach is slowly fading out and his skin is no longer burning with desire.

"phil?" his voice is hoarse, slightly accusing as if to ask phil why he stopped his actions.

"yes baby?" phil is unknown to dan's needs as he stares at the younger boy in his lap, his eyes wide and pupils dilated to the point where his eyes are almost black.

"is something wrong?" dan shifts in phil's lap, rubbing his light erection into phil's crotch, accidentally, but it was a mistake that none of them minded as dan's cheeks flushed and phil sucked in a harsh breath.

"n-no, everything's fine," phil responded, stuttering a bit from the sudden friction, wrapping his arms tighter around dan's slim waist.

"then why did you stop?" dan pouts, and phil looks at him again, tilting his head slightly wondering what dan meant. did he really want to do this?

"i-i mean, i thought you, do you want to? i mean i don't mind but i don't want you to-" dan cuts off his rambling by grabbing his face and placing his finger over phil's soft lips. phil just gulps, eyes bright and blue and cheeks flushed.

"i'm ready for it, i mean i trust you with, you know," dan mumbles shyly, not looking at phil in the eyes and dropping his hands from phil's face, and into his lap as he anxiously picks the skin off his fingertips.

"hey," phil tugs him forward making dan look at him, and dan just nervously bites his lip, waiting for phil's reaction. "i want to do this, i love you alright? but i don't want to rush you into anything because you are young and you migh-"

"i'm eighteen," dan whines impatiently causing phil to smile at his innocence and press his lips against his dimpled cheek.

"congratulations," phil mutters sarcastically and dan pouts at the comment.


"okay okay, i'm sorry," phil laughs lightly and dan smiles at the action. it had been so long since phil had laughed this way and dan loved to hear the sound.

"i want to do it," dan kissed the corner of phil's mouth and phil leaned his forehead against dan's, taking a deep breath.

"you sound like a highschool girl," phil giggled softly, and dan just suppressed smile, rubbing his nose against phil's before answering.

"you love it," and then their lips moulded with each other, both smiling in the kiss as dan let go of his anxiousness and phil slipped out of the paranoia. all they both could focus on was each other, how they could feel their hearts pulsing in their chests and how their skin was igniting with every touch and how they were feeling this maddening rush of want and desire. it was crazy how one person could be the solution to all your problems, and they were yet to discover the sensation.

thank you for 90k!!!! omg you guys i can't even

also, this chapter was kinda shit so soRRy

alSO, do you want butt secks in the next chapter? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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