I pulled out a scroll to take notes, of course, as I sat down at my desk. Anzu, Bijonko, and Kakashi all stood around the large wooden desk as I wrote out what Bijonko had said. We were all still dressed in our fancy wedding clothes, and my eyes kept tracing the crisp lapels on Kakashi's suit coat. It's still weird to see him wearing anything other than the standard jounin uniform with that red armband, and "Six Fire" written on the back of his Shinobi Union flak jacket. The occasional haori or ceremonial hat would sometimes be added to the usual get-up, but to see him in formal wear was really weird. I would have been less disturbed if he had grown wings. In all honesty, I had figured that the only clothing the he owned was that uniform.
Wow, good job me, getting distracted by clothes when there are important things that need to get done.
The pencil flew across the soft paper of the scroll as I wrote down what Bijonko had said word-for-word. I have found that every word can have meaning and leaving something out can lead to the loss of important information. I just had to train myself to write faster than people can talk.
I looked up at her, "So is this the first time that this has happened since you've arrived in the village?"
She nodded as I jotted that down. I was wishing that my mother hadn't killed Kanaye so that we could have taken him to Ibiki to find out things like how the strange genjutsu that he used on Bijonko worked or what Nori's plans were. However, that was the exact reason that she killed him: so that we wouldn't be able to get any useful information out of him.
"What do you know about the genjutsu? You must have heard them talking about it."
She scratched her chin lightly as she squinted her eyes in intense concentration, "Not much, unfortunately. I thought that I was never going to be free so I gave up on trying to figure out what was going on for quite a while before you showed up. And I spent quite a while drifting in and out of consciousness right after they did the jutsu. What I do know is that it was a genjutsu that transports someone's consciousness to the future. It takes an immense amount of chakra. Six of his hired shinobi had to channel almost all of their chakra into a chakra storage cell for a couple of weeks to get the energy that they needed. I only know that because Kanaye was complaining about that right after he determined that I had 'failed.' Beyond that, I really don't know too much."
I nodded and wrote while keeping my eyes locked firmly on her.
"When he did the jutsu, did Kanaye have any control over where your consciousness was sent?"
She pondered it for a second, "I think so. He said something about me being the window to Nori's future or something similar to that."
Interesting. But, that would explain a lot about the contents of the two prophetic statements she had made. Both of them were about my mother.
"I understand that it must be hard to think about this so just let me know if you want to stop, but for me to make a good plan and figure out what's going on, I need to know as much as I can." I reentered questioner mode, "Do you remember anything about the jutsu itself when it was cast on you? Do you remember what you saw?"
She shook her head, "I don't remember anything about the jutsu itself. I remember passing out with the final hand sign, and then I remember waking up about a week or two later with the most splitting headache."
"When you give these 'prophesies,' what's running through your head? Do you remember the events that you saw in the genjutsu or do you just see the words that you're going to say? Something different perhaps?"
"It's strange. The words just sort of pour out on their own."
I set down my pencil, "Thank you, Bijonko. I'll let you know if I need to ask you anything more or if I figure something out. In the mean time, Anzu, you have school tomorrow. Let's get you home."
A/N: Sorry about the false update a day or two ago. I accidentally clicked "Publish" instead of "Save and Preview" for one of my crappy, unedited drafts.

Impossible to Forget
FanfictionImpossible Trilogy, Book Three. A year has passed since Kanaye's attempt to capture the Sixth Hokage, Kakashi Hatake. This time, Kaiyo is going to take the initiative before disaster strikes. This time, she is going to go after Kanaye's benefactor b...