Chapter 5: Words on a Scroll

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For eons,
The beast slumbered.
For eons,
The beast slept unhindered.
Only now to be awoken again
By the blood of the last of his line.
For years,
She searched.
For years,
She looked.
She has found it.

Fist prophesy since "darkness from the past" one at Kanaye's lair.

Knowledge of jutsu: "Not much, unfortunately. I thought that I was never going to be free so I gave up on trying to figure out what was going on for quite a while before you showed up. And I spent quite a while drifting in and out of consciousness right after they did the jutsu. What I do know is that it was a genjutsu that transports someone's consciousness to the future. It takes an immense amount of chakra. Six of his hired shinobi had to channel almost all of their chakra into a chakra storage cell for a couple of weeks to get the energy that they needed. I only know that because Kanaye was complaining about that right after he determined that I had 'failed.' Beyond that, I really don't know too much."

Possible control over genjutsu location: "I think so. He said something about me being the window to Nori's future or something similar to that."

     -All visions about Nori so far. One about her connection to me, and then this one is probably about her as well.

     -What has Nori found?

Memories about the jutsu itself: "I don't remember anything about the jutsu itself. I remember passing out with the final hand sign, and then I remember waking up about a week or two later with the most splitting headache."

During prophesies: "It's strange. The words just sort of pour out on their own."

     -Are the prophesies triggered by something or are they random occurrences?

     -Are all of them about just Nori?

     -Does this thing that she found have anything to do with why she's after Kakashi?

     -What is her main goal?

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