Kakashi never came by or even sent me a message about my report. After all the time and effort that we had put into this case, I figured that he'd at least have the curtesy to discuss whether or not we'd bring it up at the summit. I even stayed in my office an extra five minutes, just in case, and I don't like leaving anywhere late. Luckily, Hanabi and Anzu were going to be spending time together this afternoon at the Hyuga compound so I wouldn't have to worry about picking her up late. Being late for two different things in one evening? No thank you.
On my way home, I rolled my ankle stupidly on a loose rock on the side of the road, had a mischievous Academy student run into me and not apologize, and forgot to stop by the grocery store so I was throughly annoyed as I walked up the stairs of my apartment complex. This day really couldn't get any worse.
With a sigh, I threw open the door, plopped my keys on the table near the entrance, and hung up my flak jacket on its hook (yes, I have assigned each coat hook in my entryway to a specific task, don't judge). I flicked on my lights and had a half-second to realize that things looked different from how I remembered before people jumped out of behind my furniture.
There was a kunai in each hand before I looked around and realized that I was not under attack. It was July 23rd, my birthday, and I was officially thirty-four. (Even though I had considered myself that age for the majority of the year so far; rounding is a thing, you know. Who cares about their exact age?)
Honestly, I had completely forgotten about today. I haven't cared about my birthday since I turned eight. Sakumo's death and my mother basically disowning me right before that particular birthday was enough to push birthday celebrations right out of my mind for good. Ninjas don't have childhoods, or at least they didn't back in my day.
Both kunai dropped to the ground as I registered the faces peeking out at me from behind my sofa. Anzu, Hanabi, and Tadao were grinning under a large sign that read, "Happy Birthday, Kaiyo," and Naruto, Hinata, and Sakura were popping out of behind my armchair while Shikamaru, Ino, and Choji poked their heads out of the kitchen. Kakashi was wearing a stupid party hat that looked absolutely ridiculous, and Bijonko was sitting in the corner, reading like nothing was out of the ordinary. Even Jukouro was there, and one look around at all the effort that people had put into celebrating my birthday was enough to make me very, very uncomfortable.
Everyone was looking at me expectantly, clearly waiting for me to make the first move, so I started on the only topic that I was comfortable with. Trying to ignore the small, absurd hat, I rounded on Kakashi. "You never got back to me about that report I sent you. I think that it is a critical case to bring up at the next summit."
Everyone's mouths dropped in unison.
Shikamaru dragged a hand down his face, "How troublesome, we go through all of this effort to celebrate your birthday, and you talk about work. We should have seen this coming."
I gave a guilty smile. "Sorry... I guess that I just don't understand why on earth all of you would want to celebrate my birthday."
Anzu rolled her eyes, "Well, Kakashi and I decided that we should do something for you this year so deal with it. Besides," she gave a little smile, "you deserve it."
Well, I know that it's poor form to brag, but I did throw Anzu a pretty kick-ass party for her birthday. But, it's not like I actually wanted them to return the favor.
Sakura abandoned her hiding spot and held out a present, "Come on, have fun for once."
I gave her a blank look, "I don't know how."
She was absolutely incredulous, "You don't know how... to have fun?"
"I know how to have fun! What I meant was that I don't know how to celebrate a birthday!"
Somehow, Sakura managed to look even more incredulous. "Have you ever had a birthday party before?"
I was starting to grow slightly indigent as it felt like Sakura was judging me. "Of course I have. Dad used to throw them for me until he died."
"So you've had parties up until you were..."
Sakura's face fell further, "Gods, that's depressing."
I shrugged. "It's not like my mother was going to throw a party for me, and I've lived on my own since I was seven. Besides, I've always considered birthday celebrations extraneous."
Naruto turned to Hinata and said in a not-so-silent whisper, "And I thought that my childhood was depressing."
Yamato burst out of the kitchen holding a cake, "Pretty much every ninja had a depressing childhood, now shut up and let us celebrate your birthday."
I smiled, "I think that I'm too old for this."
That comment was followed by a collective facepalm.
Jukouro shook his head slowly, "You've been as mature and serious as an old lady since you were eight."
Before I had time to rebuke him by saying that I consider maturity a virtue, Kakashi put his dumb party hat on my head.
"Kai, just let go for once."
I sighed and looked at everyone piled in my apartment, "I hate you all. I just want you to know that I enjoy being a prudish stickler, and you will never break me out of my shell." A small grin broke out over my face, "But thank you for trying."
Anzu became a flying leech that attached itself to my torso with a squeal of joy.
"Seriously though, do I have to wear the hat?"

Impossible to Forget
FanfictionImpossible Trilogy, Book Three. A year has passed since Kanaye's attempt to capture the Sixth Hokage, Kakashi Hatake. This time, Kaiyo is going to take the initiative before disaster strikes. This time, she is going to go after Kanaye's benefactor b...