After thanking Baaneko, Kakashi and I started heading back to the village.
"I still can't believe that they were all on the same genin team."
I nodded, "Whatever happened to them must be related to my mother's grand plan in some way or another."
We had reached the large, green gates of the village, and I waved, "I would love to spend some more time discussing this, but Anzu gets her genin team today. She said that they'll be on training ground seven so I'm going to go and pay her a surprise visit."
Kakashi's entire mask wrinkled from the force of his smile. "Have fun, I'm going to write up a report and see if we can figure out who your mother's sensei was. They might still be in the village."
"Let me know if you find anything, and I'll be in at the normal time tomorrow to help you look."
He took a step towards me, hesitated, and then walked off with a wave. For some reason, my face was burning. Why on earth was I blushing like a stupid school girl? I'm a grown woman, damn it. Feeling utterly perplexed, I walked off in the direction of the training grounds.
Anzu spotted me first. She jumped up from where they were sitting, listening to their sensei, and sprinted at me full tilt.
"Kaiyo!" She collided with me and wrapped her arms around my waist, knocking the wind out of me with a bone-crushing hug. "We made it! Our team made it! I'm a real ninja now!"
I ran my fingers through her curly hair. "I'm very proud of you. " I sent a sheepish wave at her sensei, "I'm sorry if I interrupted anything important."
He walked over and froze, "Kaiyo? You have a daughter?"
I took in his spiky black hair, brown eyes, and red triangle markings on each cheek. "Jukouro? Jukouro Inuzuka? I didn't know that you were a jonin sensei."
He gave an uncomfortable smile, "It's been a while."
"Yes it has. Have you kept in touch with Benjirou-sensei?"
"Not really. But I do still see Sadao from time to time."
"What about me?" A voice rang from behind my head.
I let go of Anzu and pivoted slowly to see the pair of dark green eyes that I had never wanted to look into again.
He gave me a small nod, "Catyo."
"Pandao, what a... pleasure."
"I'm just here to pick up my son."
I looked over at Anzu's teammates. One was the youngest Hyuga, Hanabi, and the other was a spitting image of Sadao when he was younger.
I gave a nervous laugh, "Well, this was an awkward team reunion."

Impossible to Forget
FanfictionImpossible Trilogy, Book Three. A year has passed since Kanaye's attempt to capture the Sixth Hokage, Kakashi Hatake. This time, Kaiyo is going to take the initiative before disaster strikes. This time, she is going to go after Kanaye's benefactor b...