Just Because (Interracial BWWM)

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Chapter 1:

"Braelyn, did you hear what I just said? Hellooooo, earth to Brae?"

Tatyana snapped her fingers twice in front of her bestfriend's face, which did the trick.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" Braelyn blinked.

Tatyana gave her a knowing smile."Ooooh, who is he?"

"Who is who?" Braelyn feigned confusion.

"The boy that has you zoning out?"

Tatyana turned around, scanning the cafeteria for somebody tall, dark, and sexy. "Where is he?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Braelyn sipped her chocolate milk with a knowing smile.

"Oh, come on! Don't keep me in suspense!" Taty begged. Braelyn found it hilarious when her friend wanted information.

"Fiiiiine." Braelyn finally said holding up her hands in defeat. "Right behind you, grey shirt at the swim table."

Tatyana spun around to look. Once she returned, her face had changed from excitement to disappointment.

"What?!?" Brae frowned.

"Braelyn... He's white!!" Tatyana frowned.

Brae blinked, surprised at Taty's response. "What's wrong with that?"

Braelyn was aware that they lived in Mississippi, but it was the 21st century, for goodness sake! She'd seen numerous interracial relationships, and no one really seemed to mind.

Taty shook her head. "Nothung's wrong with it.. I just, didn't know you liked WHITE guys."

They'd known eachother for a year. Tatyana had moved to Mississippi from Chicago, Illinois, and they instantly became bestfriends. Since Tatyana had come there, Braelyn had only dated one guy, Marcus, who was black. Brae had never dated a white guy before, but she wasn't opposed to it. Especially the ones who looked like the Grey-shirted Swimmer.

Braelyn turned her attention back to Taty. "I like all boys. Isn't he cute?" She gushed.

Tatyana shrugged. "I guess so. I mean, I don't think white guys are cute, or anything like that."

Brae raised her eyebrow. "Not even Channing Tatum?"

"Wait now," Tatyana waved her hand, "Channing Tatum is universally fine!"

Braelyn threw a grape at her bestie as they dissolved into giggles.


Braelyn pounded the steering wheel of her yellow bug in frustration. This seriously couldn't be happening to her!

After lunch, she'd gone to talk to her German teacher, Ms.Clayton, about the upcoming Culture Fair at the nearby University. Braelyn was going to recite a poem, "Mein Blaues Klavier" (my blue piano), and she had needed some help with pronunciation. So by the time she'd gotten to the student parking lot, everyone was gone. She'd gotten into her car, and tried to crank it, but it wouldn't turn on.

"This is just great." She groaned, pulling out her phone to dial her dad. He was working, but she hoped he would answer. After six rings, however, she gave up on that notion.

Braelyn sighed heavily, laying her head unto the wheel in defeat. Her dad didn't get off until 7 or so, and Tatyana still had a class. What was she going to do?

Just as the thought entered her mind, a knock on her window startled her. "Hey, are you okay?"


Jake tapped on the glass of the yellow Beetle. "Hey, are you okay?"

The girl inside jumped a little, then looked at him. Her eyes became wide, and she opened her mouth, but nothing came out. He raised an eyebrow in confusion. That must've snapped her out of the trance she was in, because she blinked.

"Oh, um, I think my car battery died."she gave him a shy smile, and Jake couldn't help but notice her full lips.

The girl got out of the car and stood before him. She was average height, around 5ft 5in, which was a little shorter than his 5'9''.

"Do you have any jumper cables?" He asked her, refocusing on her big brown eyes.

"No, I don't." She frowned. Jake couldn't help but notice how adorable she was in pout-mode. Wait, what?

"I don't either," he shook the thoughts from his mind. "but, don't worry. My dad owns the tow service in town, so he can send somebody to pull your car to your house. I'll drive you home, if you'd like?"

She looked hesitant, so he added, "I promise I'm not a murderer, or anything."

She gave him a wholehearted laugh, and it made his heart thump. "Alright," she nodded, "My name is Braelyn Carroll, by the way." She held out her slender hand.

He took it, his massive hand seeming to swallow hers whole. "Jacob Thomas"


Hey guys! This is my first entry on here, so I hope y'all like it! Make sure to leave comments. Let me know what y'all think! Thanks guys!!(:

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