Tea for Two

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I was in my room sleeping when I heard a loud crash.

"John!" Sherlock screamed from down stairs.

I groaned at the fact I was probably going to have to be the one to clean up his 'experiments' again. Seconds later the consulting detective called up again.

"Ugh John! Where's the first aid kit?"

"What the hell did you do!" I said as I sat up. I pulled on a grey shirt from my closet and stormed down the stairs with my medical kit. When I entered the kitchen, there stood Sherlock towering over a shattered mug.

"Sherlock..." I groaned as I noticed the burn on his left hand. "Come on, give it here."

Sherlock reached out and gave me his hand. I eyed it over, first noticing the cuts and broken bits of glass in the burn. I came to the conclusion that it was second degree burn. I dabbed some ointment on it and wrapped up his hand in a bandage to sooth the pain.

"Go sit down, I'll make you another tea." I said as I cleaned up the mess on the floor. "Awe what a shame, this is my favourite cup. Wait, why are you using my cup?"

"The tea was for you." He said sheepishly as he laid on the couch.

I thought it was sweet, but odd for Sherlock. I'll admit, my feelings have grown for him. I can't deny I love him, I'm just not sure in what way I love him. I just played it off like it was no big deal.

"Oh, thanks. I appreciate it." I said trying to keep it cool.

I brought him his tea a few minutes after I cleaned up the floor. When he was done I tossed him his coat.

"Get your coat on."

"What, why?" His head popped up.

"It's a second degree burn and there's cuts and glass, I don't have the right supplies for it. The ointment and bandage are just to sooth."

Sherlock left to get dressed, I was really curious why he was acting so odd? He hadn't said much, and the fact I have spoken more then him this morning is really concerning. He came out of his room dressed in his purple button down, god I love that shirt. I stared at him and look him up and down, he did look good.

"Um, John? Are you not getting dressed?" He said blushing

I looked down and noticed I was still in my red pants and t-shirt. Why hadn't Sherlock said anything? It was probably oh so hilarious so he didn't bother to say a word. Embarrassed, I left the room. I guess I was to worried about Sherlock this morning to notice. Once I got dressed into my jumper and jeans, we got a cab to St. Barts hospital.

"um...Sherlock?" I mumbled reliving the awkward silence of the drive


"Why did you make me tea?"

"I was going to make my self tea, so I made you one. Your my friend, that's what friends do." he answered coldly.

We didn't speak the rest of the drive, only exchanged weird looks. Not bad weird, but good weird. When I turned away, I felt a warm stare looking over me. Sherlock had always done that, looked at me while I look away, I honestly enjoyed it.

When we got there, it wasn't that busy. There was A little girl with her mom, curly brown hair about 11, who was probably there to get her cast off her right arm. There was an old man with a nasty cough, a group of regular looking bloke' s and a pregnant women between the ages of 20 and 30, but other than that just people coming in and out as patients or visitors. Surprisingly it was taking a long time to get in considering the lack of people.

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