That's What You Do At Dates

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Everyone has a tattoo that they were born with. When a person falls in love, they get tattooed with that person's original tattoo.

Some people only live with one tattoo all their life: their own. Some have a few. Some have skin covered with tattoos.

In this world lived Dan Howell. His tattoo was a black flame covering his right wrist to the back of his palm. Other than that, he had none.

He took pride in this, that he never loved. He found it honourable. People on the streets, at school, the park thought differently. They thought him weird. They stared at him as he walked past. Dan hated attention but when whenever you leave your house and you are greeted with pairs of eyes looking at you as if you had grown two heads, you learn to get used to it.

He didn't live in lonesome solitude though. His close and only friend, Louise, always set him up whenever she had met boys and girls she had deemed suitable for her friend. Dan found this endearing and mostly helpful when he had needed to get off. This resulted in quite a few men and women to fall for him, and his little black flame became popular in the town.

Today was another one of those days. Louise called the week before, informing him of his new date named Phil Lester. He was told Phil was funny and sweet. Dan pushed this aside, wondering immediately how good he was in bed, but he knew he couldn't ask his friend this question.

When Dan arrived, he scanned the restaurant for a blonde head that belonged to Louise, but he only found a few that were not of his friend's.

He caught a hand waving in his direction. He looked down and saw a pale face with a black fringe and eyes the colour of the sea.


He walked over to the booth and sat down across from the man. He was smiling, and Dan returned this.

"You must be Phil?" Dan asked to which Phil nodded.

"Dan?" Phil questioned. "Yup," Dan replied.

Phil folded his hands on the table, his jacket sleeves going up over his wrists. Dan looked down when he saw green, and his eyes landed on the green tattoo of little vines on the back of Phil's left palm making their way onto his knuckles.

Phil noticed this, and the black-haired boy laughed. "That's someone else's tattoo. He was interesting. His name was Charlie. Quirky but a bit too rude for my liking if I'm honest."

Dan's brown eyes flickered up to meet Phil's. "What's your tattoo?" Dan found himself asking before he could stop his mouth from speaking.

"It's not very interesting," Phil told him before taking off his jacket. Dan's eyes grew wide at the plethora of colours and shapes that greeted him.

Phil was littered with tattoos, every surface of his body was covered with art of every kind and form. The tattoos ranged from small butterflies on his arm to a large dragon that covered the right side of his neck and probably extended onto his chest.

But one particular tattoo caught his eye. It was glowing ever so slightly, so Dan knew it was his tattoo. Everyone's original tattoo glows slightly, even Dan's.

Phil's tattoo was the only white one. It was a chain of snowflakes spiraling his left arm starting from the middle of his lower arm up into the sleeve of his shirt. The snowflakes looked so tiny and intricate that Dan almost felt mad at the other overlapping tattoos for staining the beauty of it.

"There. Tiny, isn't it?" Phil pointed at his snowflake trail tattoo with a small laugh. "I think it's cute," Phil added.

"It's beautiful," Dan said, again against his will. Phil looked at him, taken aback. A slight blush crept onto the blue-eyed man's cheek and, slowly, the outline of a black flame drew itself onto his right wrist and back palm.

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