11 Pickup Lines From Dan Howell

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[A/N: Inspired by the song "Cute" by Stephen Jerzak.]

Summary: (High School AU) Dan wanted Phil to go out with him. Phil wanted to get to know Dan better before going out with him. Dan decided to prove himself to Phil by wooing him with numerous pickup lines. Phil couldn't possibly resist him.

Phil Lester met Dan Howell one fateful day in their school campus. It was one of the strangest encounters Phil had ever had. Of course, he had known the boy before. Who wouldn't know who Dan Howell was? He was one of the best actors in their school.

Phil was walking around waiting for his friend, PJ ,who promised to meet him after his class. He was just pacing around on the grass lawn when a brown-haired boy approached him.

"Hey, Phil," the boy said. Phil looked up and noted the familiar glistening brown eyes. This was Dan Howell. Dan was his classmate but who wouldn't know him?

"Hello. How do you know my name?" Phil returned and smiled. It was a stupid question, really. Dan wasn't the only popular kid in school. Phil was known for making short films that the whole school would watch.

Dan laughed. "Don't be so humble, Lester." Phil mentally slapped himself in the face. But why was Dan Howell talking to him?

"So..." Phil began, desperate to get the conversation flowing to avoid the awkward silence. But Dan cut him off.

"Will you go out with me?" Dan blurted out. Phil was so shocked, his mouth hung open and wide eyes searched through Dan's almond-coloured ones, looking for any sign that this was a joke.

They barely knew each other. This was the first time that they talked as far as Phil knew. The gears in Phil's mind stopped turning altogether and all he could get out was a: "Huh?"

"Go out with me?" Dan repeated. This did nothing to help Phil's state. It's like non-stop clicking on a page that was not working. You may think that you were helping it move faster but in reality, you just gave it more things to process.

Once Phil could move his mouth again, he asked, "Like on a date?" Dan nodded. Phil looked at him incredulously. "You don't even know if I like boys!"

Dan shrugged and broke eye contact. "I had a feeling."

"What's that supposed to mean, Dan?" Phil raised an eyebrow.




"Oh, okay."

Dan smiled victoriously and hope sparkled in his eyes. "So? Will you go out with me?"

Phil bit his lip and juggled the possibilities in his mind. Dan seemed like a nice guy and he wouldn't mind going out with him.

But what if Dan wasn't who he thought he was?

Phil smiled apologetically and Dan's hopeful look faltered. "I'm sorry. I don't think I'm ready for a relationship, Dan. But I would genuinely love to be your friend. We can work together in my projects and such."

Phil wondered if he actually saw sadness in Dan's face for a split-second but it was too quick to tell. Dan smirked. "I'll prove myself to you, Phil Lester. You'll want to go out with me, I can feel it," he told Phil. The latter male just chuckled, amused at his antics.

"Oh, really, Dan Howell?" Phil humoured him. Dan winked and Phil felt his heart flip in his chest.


And then, Dan turned on his heel and left.

It wasn't even a minute yet and Phil already missed the brunet's presence.

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