The Four Faces of Dan Howell

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Summary: Phil works in a small coffee shop and is one of the nicest baristas you will ever meet (you know, the ones that actually greet you and makes casual small talk that isn't annoying af). He notices a familiar brown-eyed brunet come in for four days in a row... in different costumes? Barista!Phil and Theatre Student!Dan

Phil Lester worked as a barista at a quaint coffee shop that he liked to call his second home. He loved his job, especially all the people he got to work with. He also had a bubbly personality that tended to rub off on everyone he served.

Today was an exceptionally rainy day, though. Even though it always rained there, he was pretty sure a storm was coming judging by how the trees outside swayed with the strong wind. Every single customer was drenched once they entered the coffee shop.

The bell jingled signalling a customer. Phil looked up and saw a brown-eyed male shaking the droplets from his chestnut hair. Phil smiled warmly.

"Welcome, sir!" he greeted. The man jumped slightly and made eye contact with Phil. He smiled awkwardly and walked up to him. The brunet scanned the menu for drinks.

"Rainy day, huh?" Phil mused. The man looked up and nodded, stuffing his hands in his black skinny jeans. "Yup. Just like how I feel inside."

Phil laughed. "Feeling a bit emo today, are we?" Dan chuckled as he gestured to his all-black clothes and haircut. "Judging by my hair and clothes, I already look like I came straight out of a 'How to be an Emo' manual. Does it really surprise you?"

"Maybe a drink can brighten your day a bit?" Phil offered. The man gave his order and Phil asked for his name.

"Dan," the man said, taking out his wallet to pay. Phil wrote it down on the plastic cup. "Alright, Dan, that'll be £2.50."

Dan paid for his beverage and sat in one of the cushioned seats, taking out his phone automatically as he waited.


The next day, the sun decided to show itself. A rainbow appeared in the sky on Phil's way to the coffee shop. The customers grew in number as a result to the better weather.

But two customers caught Phil's eye.

Both of them were dressed as if they were in a Shakespearean play, with hats and sixteenth century outfits. Both men had brown eyes and brown hair, but one had a more familiar face.

Phil felt slightly disappointed that the latter male was the one to sit down at a table, but he smiled at the stranger that walked forward to order for them both.

"Hello, there!" Phil grinned and it was returned. The man told him their orders with practised confidence.

"That will be £4.30 sir. May I get your name?" Phil asked. The man produced a wallet from his costume as he said: "Chris."

Phil nodded and wrote it down. He took the money with a charming smile and gave Chris his receipt and change.


It was a Saturday and Phil had to work. Not that Phil hated working, he loved his job! But that did not make waking up at five in the morning all the more easier.

It was busy today and Phil did not get to chat with his co-workers as much, which made him a bit sad.

The door opened and Phil barely heard the bell jingle over the buzz of the customers' conversations. He had to do a double take once he saw, yet again, the familiar face of a brown-eyed brunet.

But that was not what caught his attention. It was the fact that he had a cosplay on and was holding a Death Note that made him look twice.

When Phil looked again, he saw that he had two friends beside him. One man had a messy black wig on and a loose white shirt and blue pants. He was also barefoot and had black circles drawn under his eyes. Probably an L cosplayer.

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