I Love You @AmazingPhil

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[A/N: Got the idea from reading through Cory Montieth's (R.I.P. T-T) replies on Twitter. Made me cry a bit... a lot... I was a sobbing mess on the floor with 'Stand By You' playing in the background, okay? T__T]

Summary: Angst!Angst!Angst! Angst.

Written in Twitter @reply form (idk what it's called)

TW: mentions of suicide and major character death

@danisnotonfire: i love you @AmazingPhil <3

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil it's so nice to finally be able to say that

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil i love you my little lion

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil hey don't you think it's time to upload that video they've been waiting for for ages lol

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil fix your room you twit

@danisnotonfire: anniversary ideas: wall-e + popcorn + @AmazingPhil = BEST TIME EVER

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil i love you my biffle :)

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil lmao did you see the news?

@danisnotonfire: the dead guy on tv looks creepily like @AmazingPhil lol jk ily lion ;)

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil tell them to stop. i'm not crazy

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil i miss you

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil come home pls i love you and i miss you

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil your mum called, asked if i was alright. of course i am, as long as im with u

@danisnotonfire: SNOW! it hasnt snowed like this since @AmazingPhil wished for it back in 2009 haha

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil 2009 was the best year in the world <3

@danisnotonfire: that's when I met the love of my life: @AmazingPhil

@danisnotonfire: I love you @AmazingPhil

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil I will never forget that day in October even in death

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil do you remember? Even in death?

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil LOL what a stupid question! XD like you'd know, you're not dead lolzor

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil come back

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil i love you lion i miss you come back

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil it's too long stop playing around come back you twat

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil i love you

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil "life goes on but i'm gone

cuz i die without you"

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil remember when we watched that musical? Rent? i cried a lot

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil i got super attached to the characters, as always

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil but that's nothing compared to real people. in real life, it hurts badly

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil come back. i love you my angel

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil you haven't missed anything big. everything's the same in good 'ol london

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil phil it's been weeks come back

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil i miss your hair

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil i miss your kisses

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil i miss your beautiful eyes

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil i miss your jokes and your laugh

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil i miss you

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil i love you baby

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil goodnight philip :) sleep well

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil goodmorning love :)

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil it's weird not hearing you through the walls

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil could you please fill this void in our flat? thx

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil while you're at it, fill the emptiness in my heart too? xx

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil or should I say "phill" x)

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil watching sao is not the same without you :(

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil i love you philly <3

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil i hope you don't mind but i've been sleeping in your room for the past week hehe

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil i keep it tidy though for your return ^_^ responsible dan!

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil would you believe that the bbc offered me a one-man radio show?! how rude

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil how could they not add you in it?!! it's "Dan and Phil" and it will always be like that

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil because you'll come back. i know you will

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil i love you my precious lion RAWR!

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil goodmorning sweetie


@danisnotonfire: i'm so proud of you :3 i love you so much @AmazingPhil congrats

@danisnotonfire: thanks to everyone for subbing to @AmazingPhil you won't regret it

@danisnotonfire: ran out of cereal! hm, do you have anything to do with this @AmazingPhil ?

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil i love you but that has got to stop

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil i love you :3 come home? <3

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil your brother visited. he told me he came for your things. i don't understand

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil please come home, phil. they're trying to take you away

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil i know you'll come back but with each day my faith drains slowly but surely

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil i love you so much that it hurts

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil come back. i miss you my brave lion

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil you don't know how tempting it is to just leave this all behind and join you

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil i'm getting tired of waiting, phil

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil i want to

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil i have nothing now

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil i love you so much

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil can't wait to see you

@danisnotonfire: @AmazingPhil wait for me like how i did for you?

@danisnotonfire: goodbye internet

The End.

[A/N: Ohmygodimsosorrytothefewpeoplewhoactuallyreadmystoryahhhimnotdead I'm so sorry for neglecting this story omgomg!! School has been a bitch, and with my Science Club to top it all off, I haven't had time for other stuff in a while! Also, I need more phanfic ideas. My brain is full of equations and Julius Caesar rn, I don't have the time and brain cells to think up new fics, so please bear with the shitty ones I do think of and write about. I have two more one-shots and a new in progress chaptered fic ready here atm, and I'll try to finish the in progress ones (I have a lot of those trust me). Anyway, bye for now! Submit fic prompts to me pls? And maybe comment about what you think of my writing? Only constructive criticism pleeaase~ I'm a human with feelings, too (/^u^)/]

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