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Summary: [HS AU] Dan and Phil were previously best friends but now are dubbed by each other as nemeses. However, a quick trip to the clinic could change this as they have a long-overdue talk about the happenings that caused them to hate the other so much.

Disclaimer: I know nothing about first-aid or anything medical even though I was studying about it for half a quarter, so please don't judge.

Dan hated Phil with a passion. He hated his smile that permanently resided on his face, his contagious laugh that always caused the class to turn into a rowdy marketplace of giggles, his blue eyes, his black hair, everything.

He was just plain annoying.

And Phil knew that. Phil knew that, and in turn, he hated Dan with just as much fierceness.

He hated his little remarks in class, his fingers that seemed to be wired to tap at the most inconvenient times on the wooden desk, his brown hair, his equally brown eyes, everything.

He was just plain irritating.

It wasn't always like this from the dawn of time, believe it or not. Dan and Phil used to be close friends, the two finding similarities within the other like Muse, anime, video games, and other things. They got along very well.

But, just like any other friendship, fights occurred. And they fought a lot.

Eventually, their friendship became nonexistent, and they started loathing each other with a heat that could burn a whole forest.

They never stooped down to bullying, though. Even for them, that was too much of a vile act. To put someone down through insults and mockery wasn't something they would do.

Anyway. This is where our story formally begins.

It was autumn, Dan's favourite time of the year. When the trees' leaves turn an orangey-red that makes the branches look in flames, when the air starts to chill but doesn't quite bite at your flesh with frosty coolness, when the scent of cookies wafts through the residential areas for baking starts to become a usual pastime; Dan loved it.

But school was never the easy bit.

Dan wanted to sit in a seat as far away from Phil as possible from the very start of classes. But, unfortunately, their teacher ordered him to switch to a desk one row behind the black-haired man and three seats to the right. It was too close for them both.

Today, Dan noticed that Phil had not smiled like he always did. Ever since first period, he had his head down, or a rare forced grin snatched at his lips. He was different and worringly so.

Not that Dan cared. He had just noticed.

The teacher started passing the test papers. Dan reached for one and passed the rest to the back. From the corner of his eye, he saw Phil repeat the action weakly and slowly, movements limited and controlled as if he was afraid of hurting himself with one harsh mistake.

Unusual. The succeeding events happened in such great and vivid detail that Dan was sure it was in slow-motion, for that was the only way his brain could have processed such tiny details of that moment in time as if it was slowed down specifically for Dan to observe and tattoo in his memory forever.

Just as Phil's arm returned to his side, he started to wobble a bit in his seat, swaying from left to right and back. Dan couldn't see from his angle, but Phil's forehead was creased in pain. He hunched over, arms wrapping around his midsection. A small pained groan escaped his pink lips.

What now, Phil?

Dan could recall the teacher hurrying over and asking what was wrong. When Phil's reply came as a pained intake of breath, Mr. Anderson asked for someone to take him to the clinic.

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