Chapter Two

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Chapter Two:

he won't leave you, dani

I tried to respond to as many tweets as I could before Jacob was going to pick me up.

He decided that it would be best if our group of friends headed back home to good ol' cold and cloudy Minnesota. I have to admit, it is going to be nice to go home with people who are like family to me.

"Honey I'm home!" Jacob yelled as he walked through the door of my apartment. "You all set to go?"

"Yeah," I nodded my head and stood up.

The rest of our gang had already gone back home because I had to stay behind and finish up on some schoolwork that required me to stay here for a few days. Jacob decided that he would stay behind with me so that way I wouldn't be alone and I wouldn't have to go home by myself.

"Then lets go," Jacob wrapped an arm around my shoulder as he grabbed my suitcase with his other hand and we headed toward the door. I grabbed my backpack that was leaning against the wall by the door.

As Jacob walked out of the apartment first, I looked at the door and sighed. Freaking Calum. Leaving memories at my doorstep.

"Calum no," I laughed shaking my head.

"Come on. Just once. One more date."

"Calum you've probably dragged a dozen paps with you here, go away," I rolled my eyes getting ready to shut the door. "Bye Calum."

"Dani no--"

"Goodbye Calum," I smiled as I shut the door.


I looked down and saw a foot sticking from the door.


"Right sorry," and the foot disappeared.

"Dani you okay?"

I looked up, "Huh?"

"You zoned out," Jacob smiled, shaking his head lightly.

"Right sorry," I sent Jacob a small smile before walking out of the door as he started to lock up. "I'm heading down."

"Alright. Don't worry."

Calum Thomas Hood.

That man has messed with my feelings and screwed me over. Max is aware of how bad this has affected me, though I don't like to talk about it and has stopped listening to the guys music. I told her not to, but she won't listen to me. She says it will only make me feel worse, but what she doesn't know is that I've been listening to the songs of theirs that I have in my phone.

I won't lie and say that I don't miss Calum, because I do, but I have no right to be upset over the situation anymore. He wasn't my boyfriend so technically, I have no right to be hurt.

True, part of it is on him for not telling me, but I never asked. So it's both of our faults really.

As I was about to open the passengers seat of Jacobs car, my phone buzzed in my hand. I looked down at the screen and saw a text from Michael.

"Michael?" I breathed out.

Michael: 'Hey lovebug, we know that you've heard about Calum. Sorry that you have to go through that.'

I sighed and ran a hand down my face before sliding open the text so I could respond.

Dani: 'Yeah. It was tough, also a huge waste of money."

It didn't take long before Michael responded.

Michael: 'Oh shit! That's right! You were planning on coming here and surprising him!'

Dani: 'I had bought the ticket and everything. I was planning on coming there today. But seems like I'm going somewhere else.'

Since I felt like both Calum and I missed each other and talking over FaceTime and Skype wasn't cutting it, I had made plans to come down to Sydney. But that is not what happened obviously. I tried to trade in my ticket so I could get my money back, but the damned airport wouldn't let me. So now I have a plane ticket to Australia just sitting on my desk in my room.

Michael: 'Oh? Where to?'

Just as I was about to respond the car beeped and I looked up. Jacob was walking into the parking garage with my bag.

"Sorry it took so long, the elevator took fucking forever to get there so I just took the stairs," Jacob smiled as he opened the trunk.

"Don't worry about it. I haven't been waiting long," I waved him off before climbing into the passenger seat of the car.

As Jacob was fiddling around with the bags in the back I took this as my time to respond to Michael.

Dani: 'one of my friends Jacob is taking me back home to Minnesota with the rest of my gang and we're just going to hang out there with our family again. You know, to take a break from all the pain. '

Michael: 'That's sounds fun. Well, stay safe Dani. I'm sorry Calum was such a douche bag."

I laughed lightly and shook my head as Jacob climbed into the car.

"Ready to go home?"

"More than ever," I nodded as he took my hand in his. "Promise me you won't be like some douchebag guy and leave me."

"I promise Dani. I'm not letting anyone hurt you like that son of a bitch did before," Jacob clenched his jaw.

"Thank you," I whispered, leaning back in my seat.

Let's go home bitches.

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