Chapter Fifteen

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A/N: just putting it out there that this chapter is dedicated to 96_hoodgirl_96 since she has literally been the sweetest for not being a silent reader and sticking to the book since the beginning. Also, I wasn't planning on updating this until later but change of heart because of this girl ^-^

Chapter Fifteen:

you're pregnant, dani

"You're pregnant! Dani, I'm going to be a motherfucking aunt!" Max screamed when we got home, clamping her hands on my shoulders and shaking me rapidly.

"I'm going to be a mom," I shook my head in disbelief. "I'm not ready to be a mom, Max. I'm going to be a terrible mother. My child is going to hate me."

"Looks like we both need to calm down," Max smiled, taking my hand in hers and leading me into the kitchen. "I think ice cream should do the trick."

"How am I going to tell Calum. He's going to hate me. He's going to think I'm a freak and leave me to go back to his ex. He'--"

"He's going to love you all the same, Dan, calm down," Max laughed, pulling out the tub of ice cream from the freezer and grabbing two spoons. "I say we make cupcakes too."

"Why are you not freaking out about this? I am responsible for another freaking human being that sitting right here," I poked at my stomach, causing Max to laugh again.

"Because, one, I'm not carrying the other human being, and, two, there's nothing to be freaking about," she smiled just as the doorbell went off.

"I'll get it," I sighed, walking to the front door and opening it.

"Hey babe."

My eyes widened a small smile appearing on my face as I saw my loving boyfriend standing in front of me with the rest of the guys behind him, "What are you guys doing here?"

"Adam thought it would be a good time to come back to Cali now and Cal wanted to surprise you," Ashton smiled as I let them inside the apartment.

"Dani who's at the d--" I turned and looked at Max who was stood there with the tub of ice cream in one of her hands and a large spoon in the other. Her eyes were wide and she looked down at herself. She was in her polka dotted pajama pants and a white tight fitting tank top. "Um... hi."

Even after all the time, she was still a huge fan of these guys and that wasn't going to change any time soon I was guessing.

"Hello," the guys responded in unison and I saw her legs wiggle a little bit.

"Max maybe you should sit down," I smiled at her before looking up at Calum who had taken my hand in his.

"I'm fine."


"Fine I say!" she yells before rushing off into the kitchen.

I laughed and shook my head, "She's still a big fan of you guys."

"I noticed," Luke laughed, crossing his arms.

"We were going to make cupcakes if you wanted to join us," I trailed off.

"Cupcakes!" Michael screeched, into the kitchen and shortly after we all heard Max scream, making us all burst into laughter.

"Clifford you little butt!"

The four of us slowly walked into the kitchen to see what was happening. Max had her arms crossed and a pouty angry face on as she glared at Michael. I looked down at the ground and saw our ice cream container on the floor upside down.

"No!" I yelled. "Our Chocolate Fudge Brownie ice cream! Ben and Jerry's we failed you!"

"So..," Calum trailed off. "Cupcakes?"

Max ran a hand down her face and sighed, "Yeah. I'll get out the stuff. Michael you clean up that mess."

Michael pouted but started to clean up the ice cream on the floor while I went to go help Max with the ingredients, "You can tell him now. Take him to the place you and Jake go all the time."

I nodded, "I was planning on it. Wait a minute," I paused turning to look at her, "How do you know about that?"

"We all know about it, we don't know where, but we know. We just respect your guys' secrecy about it."

"Alright then," I furrowed my eyebrows slightly, but gave her a little smile.

Once the floor was clean and all the ingredients were out I pulled Cal to the side, "Hey can I take you somewhere? I have something important to talk to you about."

Calum nodded his head, "Yeah anything. Is it bad?"

"It really depends on how you take it," I sighed, taking his hand. I looked over and saw Max nodding at me. "Come on."

I opened the front door and led Calum to the parking garage where we climbed into my truck. I stayed quiet and I guess Calum took it as a sign that I was nervous, which I was, so he laid my hand in his and rubbed circles on the back of it with this thumb. He had done this a lot on tour after we had kissed that one time in the hallways of the Jimmy Fallon dressing rooms and he knew that it helped calm me down. But right now, I was too nervous about how he would react to even think about calming down.

I was pregnant with Calum's child and I was extremely nervous he would reject me and leave me take care of the baby on my own. It doesn't seem like something he would do, but it is a major possibility that honestly scares the living shit out of me. I don't want to lose him again after I just got him back. I love him so much and to lose him would be to lose a part of myself as well. I don't know how I would be able to handle it.

When we pulled up near the sanctuary, I climbed out of the car and Calum followed after me. We held hands as I led him to the secluded area that was hidden from a lot of people. I was also very careful because even if I was little over a week pregnant, I didn't want to injure the baby in any possible way.

"This place is beautiful," Calum breathed, looking around in awe before turning and looking me in the eyes. "This is obviously something that's bugging you so go ahead and get it off of your chest."

I sighed, and took both of his hands in mine, "Calum, I love you so fucking much and I am so fucking happy that you were my first time," I blinked, trying to get rid of the tears that were beginning to form out of the fear of him leaving me.

"Baby why are you crying? You're too beautiful to be crying, baby girl," he pulled one of his hands from mine and wiped away a few tears that had fallen down my cheeks.

"Cal," I took a deep breath. "Cal, I- I- I'm pregnant."

A/N: Whoop! there it is!

So this book might be a little bit shorter than the first book, mainly because I want to get to the third book really badly, but I will at least try to get to twenty five chapters.

Anyways, I love you all and stay lovely you guys!


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