Chapter Six

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Chapter Six:

he actually cares for you, dani

"Jacob!" I smiled running over to him and giving him a hug. "You missed it! Connor tried drinking milk through his nose!"

"It still burns!" Connor screamed from the bathroom where he was trying to wash up.

The rest of us laughed as my mom offered him some treats, "Peter leave the darn girl alone!"

I turned and saw my brother trying to talk up Nicole who was nervously backing away.

"I see we've got a player on our hands," Kian laughed, wrapping his arm around Max protectively. He didn't seem to care that it was my brother, he didn't want anyone hitting on her.

"Let's hope not," my mom laughed, shaking her head before walking out of the kitchen to go meet with my dad.

"Alright Peter," I clapped my hands together. "Let's go outside."

Peters eyes widened as a smile appeared on his face before running outside. The two of us always played with each other outside and at the moment we had an unsettled score in baseball.

I followed out the the back door and grabbed my cleats that I kept by the door. I looked at the bottom and checked the size before nodding and realizing that they would still fit.

We had a fairly large backyard and I can't believe how much I've missed it. These are hard to find when living in the city and even when you do, it's still noisy.

"Let's settle this shall we?" Peter laughed, swinging his baseball bat over his shoulder. He tossed me mine -- I used to play so what? -- and I caught it before putting it where our home plate was.

Our home plate is always in the back corner of our backyard and we have natural bases too. For first base its a light pole that's right where the base should be so we use that, second base is a large rock that was always fun to stand on for some reason and third base was a large tree that our old sandbox was behind. (A/N: this is pretty much how we play at my grandmas house. It's the same set up. Also, don't wear flip flops. You will slide in the grass and will get out)

"The unsettled baseball game!" Max yelled making the others gasp.


"You'll never finish!"

"This won't end well!"

"They're too good!"

I laughed as they all spoke at once, "Come on. It's not that bad. Alright, let's pick teams."

Peter came and stood next to me.

"You take first pick," I told him.






I tapped my foot in the grass, "We need one more player."

"But there's no one else. Guess you'll have to play one short," Peter laughed starting to walk away.

"Hold on a minute," I paused, grabbing the back of his shirt and pulling him back. "I played with Dad last time."

"What! No! He nearly made me lose the game! I'll give you Kian if you give me Dad!"

"No can do little buddy,"
Max laughed. She may love Kian, but she's really competitive with him.

"Dad!" I yelled, running back toward the back porch.


"Baseball game!" I responded.

Soon, my dad appeared ready to play and I smiled, "Let's kick his tiny butt."

My dad laughed and we high fived before walking onto the grass.

"This is unfair," Peter cross his arms.

"Real athletes don't pout," our dad ruffled his hair as he went to the "pitchers mound" which was really just a circle were some dead plants were.

"Um Dani can I talk to you for a second," Jacob rubbed the back of his neck.

"Maybe in a little bit. Let's play the game first," I patted his back and made my way over to "third base".

Jacob followed me and stuttered a little bit, "It's. Um. It's kind of important though. I. I um saw--"

"Play ball!" My brother yelled cutting off Jacob.

"Let me put on my cleats!" I responded quickly and sat down on the ground.

"Listen Dani, I care for you and this is really important."

"I guarantee it can wait, Jake," I patted his shoulder after tying my cleats.

Jacob sighed before going to stand in "outfield". I quirked one of my eyebrows. He was acting strange, he usually never acts so... shy?

He's always spoken his mind and is a total badass about it. This wasn't him. Something definitely happened while he was out.

I wonder what it is?

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