Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven:

did he care about you, dani

"Dani hurry up!" Peter yelled from outside the bathroom door.

"Be patient! I'm washing my hair!"

"You're going to use up all the hot water!" He groaned and I hear a thud meaning he hit his head on the door.

I shook my head as the water hit my head and ran over my hair.

I had been home for close to a week now and Jacob seems to have forgotten about what he was trying to tell me the first day here. I've shrugged it off since it couldn't be as important as he made it out to be if he still hasn't told me.

I finished my shower and climbed out with a towel wrapped around my body.

"Thank god!" Peter yelled after hearing the water turn off.

"I still have to dry my hair."

"Can't it wait! I'm going to be late for practice!"

I sighed and unlocked the door, "Go."

"Thank you," Peter smiled as I walked past him.

Today, I was going out into the town with my friends. It was something we always did before we left home and we would always go to our favorite shops. This was what I really needed. Being home was really relaxing me and it felt nice.

"Dani are you almost ready!" Max yelled from my bedroom.

"I have to get dressed and dry my hair," I said to her as I walked into the room. She was sitting on the bed looking down at her phone as Nicole was placed behind her, braiding her hair in some intricate design.

"Alright. Go ahead and get dressed then," Nicole sent me a soft smile before going on and continuing with Max's hair.

I headed to my closet and grabbed a random shirt to wear with my black jeans. There wasn't much of a point to dressing up everyday now.

At first, I had done it so whenever a picture of me was posted to the media, Calum would be able to see me in something other than sweats. I honestly really miss him, but there's nothing I can do about it now. Even if he's the one in the wrong, I can't help but feel like I did something that made it happen.

I need to stop.

I need to forget about him.

We weren't even a couple. I don't have any rights over him, he's a person. It's not like he was my boyfriend and he cheated on me. I'm just sounding like an obsessive fangirl.

"Dani are you alright?" Max asked from behind me, causing me to jump slightly.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking," I nodded and walked out. Peter was always pretty fast with taking showers, especially if he was in a hurry, so I wasn't surprised to see that the bathroom was vacant. I set my clothes on the counter and started plugged in my blow dryer because I couldn't deal with this wet mop of hair any longer.

As I started to dry my hair, the thought of Calum kept dancing around my head and taunting me.

Had he really cared? Or was it all just a joke?

Was it all a game? A stupid dare from the guys?

No. They wouldn't do that to someone. They were better than that.

I sighed, though it was barely audible over the sound of air whirling around my locks of hair, and tried to push the thoughts out of my head, though it was no use.

The one question lingering in my mind, never wanting to leave.

Did he care about me?

A/N: So... I'm really only updating because I'm in a good mood. The guy I had begun to like asked me out and blah blah blah. Long story short, he's my boyfriend now which is great because I no longer feel like a fucking piece of shit.

Next chapter is going to have a bit more drama to it, so be prepared.

I hope to get to one hundred reads before I update next so yeah.

Love you guys.

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