Chapter Four

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Chapter Four:

you're home is with your friends, dani

"Mom!" I yelled, running into the kitchen of my childhood home.

"Oh Danielle my girl!" My mom left her spot at the stove and ran over to me. I wrapped my arms around her and she did the same for me.

It felt so good to be able to be held in my moms arms. For a few seconds, her hug glued everything back together.

"Oh Momma," I sniffled. After everything that's happened, I need my mom so bad.

"I'm here baby. I'm here," my mom whispered, running a hand over my hair soothingly. "Let's go talk about it."

And so we did. We sat and talked for what felt like several hours just discussing what happened over the tour and everything else.

"You're father about passed out when he saw you on Jimmy Fallon that night," my mom laughed, making me laugh with her. My dad happened to be a Jimmy Fallon fanatic and he never missed a show.

"Yeah that was an interesting day," I smiled lightly.

"So that Calum fellow has you in a state of confusion and hurt huh?" My mom asked, leaning forward and placing a hand on his knee.

"Yeah. I mean, we told each other that we love each other. Was it all just petty? Was it for the publicity?"

My mom sighed and placed a hand on my knee before rubbing her thumb against my jean clad skin -- like she would do whenever I was having an anxiety attack, "Honey, I have no clue. I wish I did, but I don't. But let's not fret about some boy. I made your favorite sweets."

I sat up straight and smiled, "Really?"

"Of course I did. Do you really think I'm letting my daughter come home and not have her favorites waiting for her?" She laughed, grabbing my hand and stood up from the couch. "I had to make a few more batches because Connor and Kian ate them all. Max tried to stop them and Nicole just recorded the whole act."

I laughed and shook my head, "We really are just a bunch of kids still aren't we?"

"You'll always be a bunch of kids in my book, now hurry, Peter has been eyeing these all day," My mom ushered me into the kitchen where a bunch of cookies and brownies were sitting on the counters. I wonder how I didn't see them before.

Peter is my younger brother who is currently the age of fourteen. He's a bugger he is but I love him anyways.

"Of course he has," I laughed. "He has such a sweet tooth."

"He gets it from your father," My mom smiled, grabbing a plate and putting some of the sweets on it and placing it on the kitchen table. She walked to the refrigerator and grabbed the milk carton. I walked over to the kitchen table and took a seat. I have to admit that it felt weird being in my house again.

I hadn't been back home in about a year so it felt weird.

I grabbed a brownie and started nibbling on it as my mom poured me a glass of milk, "It's nice to have you back home."

"Yeah. It feels good being home," I nodded as the doorbell rang.

"Right. Max, Jacob, Connor, Nicole and Kian are going to be staying with us while you all are here. I wanted this to be the best home visit for you and their parents agreed," she smiled and made her way toward the front of the house to the front door.

"Whats up Mrs. Hill!" I heard Connor yell making me laugh in my chair.

Soon, all my best friends were piling into the kitchen and when Connor spotted me eating sweets he walked over to me and took a bite out of the brownie I was eating.

"Oi! Get your own brownie Cunningham!" I laughed and backed up. "Hey where's Jacob?" I asked noticing that he wasn't in the room.

"Oh yeah! He said that he has something important to go do before he came over," Max shrugged, taking a seat on the table.

"Dani, Peter will be here in a little while with your father," my mom patted me on the shoulder.

"Okay.Where was he anyways?"

"Football practice. That little monster has been working on trying to become a professional athlete and he's actually taking it seriously."

"Yeah!" Nicole laughed. "He literally ate like a pound of nachos the other night before you came here."

"That's my brother. Taking after me with my eating habits," I smiled as the others started munching on some of my brownies and cookies. I may be small but I do have the ability to eat a lot.

This was nice. Having all my friends here. Being home.


That had a different meaning a few months ago. I thought home was with Calum, but really, my home is with my friends.

A/N: so I'm going to try and update as much as I can for you guys until I get up to chapter ten or something like that.

With school growing close to an end, I need to get my grades as high as I possible can before it's over.

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