Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty:

what do you say, dani

"Ugh! I can't wait to get you out of me!" I groaned, lightly poking my stomach.

"How about we do something?" Calum asked, looking over at me from his desk in our bedroom.

"By something do you mean leave the house? Because if so, no. I'm too hobo looking to go anywhere outside," I shook my head before placing a pillow over my face.

"Is that why you refuse to get the mail?"

I made a humming noise and heard a sigh come from Calum before the pillow was removed from my face, "Dani, you don't need to be like that. You're beautiful either way. Hair up or down. So what if you're wearing sweats, I still love you."

I sighed and sat up slowly, "Fine. Where do you want to go?"

"I say we go and eat somewhere. Or maybe just a nice little picnic at the park?" He suggested.

"I don't care. Whatever you choose is fine by me," I slowly slid off of the bed and walked over to my closet. "Give me a few minutes to get ready."

"Okay," Calum smiled and planted a kiss on my cheek before leaving the bedroom.

I grabbed a sundress and heading into our bathroom to get ready.

. . .

"A beach picnic?" I looked over at Calum as he pushed his sunglasses on the top of his head.

"I'm surprised you haven't noticed where we are," he smirked, climbing out of the car and grabbing the basket from the back seat.

I climbed out of the car and followed him onto the sand, "You didn't!" I gasped looking at him.

"Of course I did," he smiled, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

This was the beach where Calum and I had ran into each other. I liked to think of it now as how we really met instead of at the concert.

I smiled, thinking back to the moment.

[inserting flash back]

"Hmm," he hummed. "You've been stuck in my head for a while."

"Well who wouldn't have the person who slapped them with reality stuck in their head?"

Calum tilted his head and for a second I understood why Max called him a puppy.

"You can't deal with the fact that not everyone is a fan of your work and that bothers you," I smirked.

"You're not entirely wrong. I can't stand the fact that a girl as attractive as you isn't a fan of me,"

My body stiffened, heat rushing to my cheeks. "I um. I-- you-- what?"

Calum laughed, a smirk dancing across his lips again at my flustered state, "Maybe you're more of a fan than you let on."

He pulled something out of his pocket and walked up to me. His muscular arm grabbed my hand and placed the thing into my hand.

I willed my self to look at him, regretting it as he sent me an all too seductive wink before walking off.

I blinked rapidly, before sinking into the sand and looking at my hand.

I slowly opened my fingers and noticed a slip of paper. Written on the slip were a group of numbers scribbled in messy handwriting.

He gave me his number.

[*waves* bye flashback thanks for the memories]

"You gave me your number here," I  shook my head with a small laugh.

"And I certainly don't regret it. I remember you jumping around the water as you listened to Kansas," Calum took my hand is his as my face went red.

"I wouldn't think that would still be something you remembered," I scratched the back of my neck. It seemed like such a long time ago, but a year hasn't even passed.

We walked a little bit farther down the beach before we took a turn toward the pier.

"Where are we going?" I questioned, holding down part of my dress due to the wind.

Calum didn't say anything but I could tell he was smirking.

What was he up to?

We walked up underneath the pier and Calum set the basket down where the waves wouldn't hit. He picked up a stick and drew a circle around me.

"What are you doing?" I raised one of my eyebrows.

"Just wait," he wiped his hand on his pants and sent me an award winning smile that I couldn't help but turn a bit red from. He just got that sort of reaction from me. "Stay inside the circle."

"I don't really have any reason to move," I sent him a cheeky smile as I rubbed my baby bump affectionately. He'll be here in almost two months.

I looked as Calum hustled around, extremely suspicious as to what was going on. The sun was getting ready to set and I mentally cursed for not bringing a light jacket.

I looked up and noticed Calum walking up to me.

"So, I know that our relationship is going pretty fast due to this little bundle of joy that will be joining us very soon," he rubbed my baby bump making me smile. "But I honestly couldn't be happier. You have made me notice some of the better things in life and I love how enthusiastic you can get over things. I want you to know that I'm doing this because I want to, not because I have to, okay?"

I nodded with a nervous smile, "Calum, what's going on?"

Calum slowly pulled out a small box from his pocket before sinking down onto one knee in the sand.

My eyes widened and my hand went up to my mouth as tears started to flood my water line.

"Danielle Hill?" He hummed, "Nice name, but I think I prefer Danielle Hood personally."

I laughed as the tears started to flow freely down my face. Cheesy goofball.

"So, what do you say? Would you do me the honor of being my loving and adoring wife?" He smiled, opening the box and revealing the most beautiful ring I'd ever seen.

I couldn't form words so I just took the ring from the box and shoved it on to my finger. Calum laughed and stood up. He placed his hands on my waist lightly before lowering his head and connecting my lips to mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and stood on the tips of my toes the best I could.

The sounds of the waves crashing against each other faded as I grew lost in a bubble of pure bliss and happiness.

Danielle Hood.

I like the sound of that.

A/N: so I'm going to write as much as possible and update the chapters when I finish writing them.

So if I write two chapters in one day, you'll get two chapters in one day.

This book is almost finished but I'm going to try to catch up on one of my other books before I post the third book.

I'm also going to try to edit Not A Fan as well as this book before I continue.

Just thought it would be nice to update you all on my plans for what's going to happen.

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