Chapter Three

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Chapter Three:

you've hurt her, calum

Just as I was about to click the purchase button on my laptop Michael burst through my door.

"Stop right there!" He shouted, before leaning over and panting. "Man I'm out of shape."

"You good?"

Michael held up his index finger and didn't say anything as he stayed in his hunched over position. He stayed that way for a moment before standing up straight again, "She's not in Cali."

"What?" I raised one of my eyebrows.

"She's going home to Minnesota. So if you plan on seeing her, you need to go to Minnesota," Michael spoke.

"You're talking about Dani right?"

Michael nodded, "Dani's going home to escape the pain."

I nodded slowly, "And you know this how?"

"I just finished texting her. She's going home with a guy named Jacob and the rest of her friend to quote on quote "take a break from the pain"," Michael pulled out his phone and typed in his password before tossing it to me.

I slowly stood up from my chair as I read the texts.

"I've hurt her so badly man. She can't even stand being in California because of me," I looked down as I handed Michael back his phone. "I've got to fix this. I have to go to Minnesota to make things better. If not, I'll never forgive myself."

"Then what the hell are you waiting for. Go purchase a plane ticket!" Michael yelled before running out of the room. I heard a rubber sliding on something sound before a loud thud, along with some crashing followed afterward "Fucking hell!"

I laughed and shook my head before taking a seat in my desk chair again. I rushed to find a plane ticket that would get me to Minnesota as fast as possible. The sooner I can get there the better.

"Knockity knock."

I turned my head and saw Ashton standing in the doorway.

"Hey," I gave him a little nod before turning my head back toward the computer screen.

"Hey. How's it going?"

"Alright I guess. I've got a flight to Minnesota tomorrow and noon. That was the earliest I can get there," I sighed, sinking back in my chair.

"Hey. You'll be fine. If you and Dani are meant to be, this will work out. Every power couple goes through bumps and issues and I believe that you guys will get through this," Ashton patted me on the shoulder.

"Yeah, but I've messed up so bad. Dude, she's hurting. I've hurt her so much that she can't even stay in her own home! That's why she's going to Minnesota! To escape the pain!" I groaned, tossing my head in my hands. "I screwed her over."

"And I have to fix it."

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