Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight:

you have so many memories, dani

"Oh my god look at that puppy dog!"

"Connor no!" Nicole yelled grabbing his arm and pulling him back before he could tackle the poor dog. "I am so sorry miss."

The owner sent the six of us a nasty gesture before walking off, the dog with her.

"Well that was rude," I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"No kidding," Max laughed and leaned her head on Kian's shoulder.

Jacob shook his head and punched Connor in the shoulder lightly, "You don't just freak out about a persons dog like that at the age of twenty-three dude. It may have been acceptable when you were seven, but that kind of thing is frowned upon for men your age."

I laughed and wrapped my arm around Jacobs shoulder, "He's just having fun."

Connor looked at me and smiled brightly, "See! Dani doesn't think its wrong!" Connor wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me off of the ground.

"Connor put me down!" I yelled, though laughing.

"Never! I shall keep you safe!" he yelled starting to run down the street as he tossed me over his shoulder.

"Oh my god! Connor!" Nicole yelled shaking her head and chasing after the two of us, leading the rest of the group behind her.

"To the park!" Connor shouted, raising his other fist in the air.

I covered my face with my hands as it burned a bright red. Connor sure had a way of making a scene where ever we go. I kept my hands over my face until we came to a stop. I looked up and saw that we were in our local park that I had my first kiss in. Wow. Memories.

My eyes widened as the rest of the group were still moving at a fast rate toward us, "Connor move out of the w--"

All of us screamed as we all tumbled to the ground in a pile. I opened my eyes and noticed that I was on top of the pile, "I am the queen!" I yelled, throwing both of my arms  up in the air before climbing off so they could get up.

"Connor," Max gasped as she stood up. "You can't just go kidnapping people."

"But Dani isn't a person," Connor pouted.

"I am standing right here dude," I glared at him.

"That's not what I meant," he shook his head before continuing, "Dani isn't a person. She's my friend."

I laughed and gave him a quick hug before looking around, "Oh my god Jacob look!"

I grabbed Jacobs hand and ran toward the large tree that was closer to the creek, "The tree is still here?"

"I thought they would have torn it down by now," I squeezed his hand. "Our first kiss was in that branch." I pointed up at it.

"I wonder is our carving is still up there," Jacob laughed before dropping my hand.

"Well, lets go check," I smiled before starting to climb. Doing it now, it was a lot easier than when we were eleven. I was much taller now than I was back which was a helpful advantage. "You better not be staring at my ass, Hornback."

"I can't when I'm right next to you."

I turned my head and shrieked as the others came and stood under us.

"Are you guys looking for your carvings?" Kian asked us, crossing his arms.

"Yeah," Jacob nodded, climbing up one more branch and holding out his hand to me. I took it and sat on the branch.

"So many memories," I sighed. I gasped and pointed at the trunk. "Look!"

Jacob and I smiled at each other as we stared at the carvings in the tree.

J + D inside of a heart and then there were more carvings around it.

K + M

Loners - C + N

I laughed, "You guys added carving too?"

"Yeah," Nicole shrugged.

"I want ice cream," Connor blurted as we climbed out of the tree.

It was a nice day to get some ice cream, so we could do that, "Sounds like a plan. I'll buy," I nodded.

"No, Dani, you don't have to do that," Kian shook his head.

"You can argue with me all you want but I'm still paying," I crossed my arms and smiled as we started walking back toward town.

There was a nice place that we used to come to all the time after school. They made possibly the best milkshakes I had ever tasted and I planned on getting one. That, and it was pretty cheap.

We all started talking about random stuff as we headed into the shop.

"I already remember your orders. You guys go ahead and find a table," I nodded, pulling out my wallet. As they headed off to look for a table to sit at for a little bit, I headed toward the line. I hummed a song under my breath to pass my time as I waited to get to the cashier. When I got to the front of the line I placed in my orders before going to stand where people are supposed to wait.

When our order was ready I grabbed the tray and headed toward the table.

"I say we all go eat our ice cream as we walk around town," Connor suggested, licking his mint chocolate chip cone.

"Sounds like a plan," Max nodded her head and we all got our things together to go and walk around.

"Okay, would you rather have nipples for eyebrows or eyebrows for nipples," Jacob blurted, after swallowing a gulp of his milkshake.

I laughed, as did the others as we gave him an odd look.

"What?" he shrugged. "We needed something to talk about so I gave us something to talk about!"

"By asking about nipples?" Max laughed lightly shaking her head.

Jacob hummed and shrugged once again as we turned a corner. The group stopped, leaving me to walk in front of them. I turned around and stared at them, "Why did you guys stop?"

Max eyes were narrowed and Jacobs fists were clenched, making me believe that something bad was behind me. I glanced to Nicole who was wide eyed and moving to hide behind Connor while Kian pulled back Max into his grip.

I spun on my heel to look at what had my friends in such a weird panic only to nearly choke on air.



I lied! I apologize my friends!

Most of the drama will be coming in the next chapter, so yeah. Nearly one last week of school and then I'll be free from hell, which means I can try to write more.

But for now, expect some pretty slow updates.

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