The Beginning of Us

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I sat at my usual table in the coffeeshop, reading my book in silence.
"Corin, tell Arizona that I could easily get that hot barista's phone number," Dylan complained as my two best friends sat across from me.
"There's no way?" She aruged. "He's totally 100% straight."
"That is where you are 'totally 100%' wrong," he replied, crossing his arms. I glanced up over my book and looked at the barista behind the bar as he made someone's coffee.
"You could totally get his number," I replied, looking back down.
"What no way!" Ari protested. "Fine. If you're both so sure, let's bet on it. I bet you each 50 bucks that if you go over, he would reject you."
"I'll take that bet, what about you, Cori?"
"No way, I don't have that kind of money," I replied, still staring at my book.
"50 bucks," he said shaking Ari's hand before standing up and walking confidently towards the coffee bar. I put my book down and watched, curious to see how it would go. He started talking to the guy, obviously flirting, and he started flirting back.
"Is he..."
"He totally is," I replied.
"Dammit," she whispered as Dylan handed him his phone and shot us a wink. The barista typed something into it and handed it back, as they continued flirting. "Maybe it wasn't his phone number.."
"Mmhm. Sure it isn't." I replied looking back at my book. When Dylan started flirting it could go on for hours.
"What time do you work tonight?" Arizona asked changing the subject. I felt my breath hitch in my throat. I still hadn't told her I was fired...
"I don't work tonight," I said, not looking up from my book.
"Lucky. I have the graveyard shift tonight. Hey you should come keep me company, I mean, it's a Friday night, there's no way I'm letting you stay home alone. Plus, if you visit me at the bar, I bet we could find you someone super hot..."
"Yeah... thanks but no thanks. There's no way I can afford a night out right now..."
"I'll pay for you!"
"And by that, you mean you'll slip my drinks onto someone else's tab?"
"Exactly!" She said all perky. I sighed and closed my book, putting it in my bag.
"Hard pass," I replied, standing up and swinging my bag over my shoulder before zipping up my coat and grabbing my coffee.
"Come on! It'll be fun, I promise!"
"I'll think about it," I lied.
"Good! See you back at the apartment."
"Yeah, see ya," I said, walking out as Dylan continued flirting with the barista. I rolled my eyes and walked outside, feeling the crisp December air. I took in a deep breath and wrapped my scarf around my neck, walking down the street. I held the warm cup of coffee in my cold hands as I made my way home. I looked down at the white, snow covered ground. As I turned the corner, I suddenly ran into someone, knocking the hot coffee into both of us. It spilled out drenching us both with scalding hot liquid. Whoever it was dropped a bunch of papers.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I'm such a clutz!" I said, kneeling downand startimg to pick up the papers they dropped.
"That's alright, I wasn't watching where I was going," he replied leaning down as well. His accent sounded like mine, he must be from London. I looked up, meeting his eyes and froze.
"Thomas?" I asked.
"Corin? Oh my god, I haven't seen you in forever..." he saidn smiling.
"Yeah, It's been so long, how have you been?" I handed him his wet papers.
"I've been well, and you?" I've been better...
"Great!" I lied. "So uhmn what are you doing in Oregon?" I asked.
"Oh, just on a bit of a business trip. I'm staying at a hotel, downtown. The westmark I think." He smiled at me again as we stood up. I looked at his grey shirt that was drenched in coffee.
"I am so sorry for... dumping my coffee all over you..." he just laughed and looked down.
"It's fine. It'll come out."
"Yeah.. I still feel awful... if you want, my apartment is just down the street, you can come and clean up if you want."
"Oh, no. I'm fine, I don't want to bother you."
"No it's not a problem at all. It'll give us a chance to catch up." He smiled and looked down.
"You sure?"
"Absolutely." He glanced back up and I couldn't help but find him super attractive.
"Alright then," he said. I smiled and we started walking towards my apartment.
I walked out of my bedroom in a change of clothes and walked back into the living room, seeing Thomas looking at a picture.
"Is this your boyfriend?" He asked. I looked at the picture and laughed slightly. It was Dylan and I.
"No, he's my roomate. And gay, so."
"Oh," he laughed, looking back at me. I looked over and saw his papers stacked together ontop of his bag.
"So what's all of that?" I asked pointing over to it.
"Oh, just a little something I've been working on..." he said as I sat on the couch. He sat next to me and put them into his bag.
"What kind of little something?" He looked up at me and I met his eyes again.
"A new book..."
"A new book? You still write?"
"You could say that," he smiled.
"Is it just a hobby still?"
"It started as a hobby, but it grew into a bit more."
"Really? Do you have anything published?"
"A few books actually."
"Well I'd love to read them." He smiled at me again and looked down. He always was shy when we were younger, it's why we got along so well. We were best friends since we were 5 years old, and since we were both quieter we just hit it off right away. We'd always just sit together quietly at school and read, and then when we were alone we told eachother everything. Well, almost everything... the one thing I never told him about was the huge crush I had on him in year 10.
"What have you been up to?" He asked. Oh great...
"Well uhm, I'm actually... in between jobs right now."
"And by that you mean..." I sighed and looked down.
"I was fired..." I said, fiddling with my fingers.
"Oh, well.. that's not too big of a problem, you know why?"
"Why?" I asked. He put his hand on mine and I looked up at him.
"Because you are crazy talentedn and I know that you'll find a new job simply." I smiled at him and looked back down. That was the other thing about him. He always knew exactly what to say to make me feel better.
"Thanks, Thomas." He just smiled at me sweetly before looking up at the clock.
"Oh crap, I'm going to be late," he whispered.
"Late for what?"
"I have a meeting with this publisher. Long story. Anyways, we should get together later," he said standing up.
"Yeah, definitely. I'd love that." I smiled.
"Great, so uhm, I'll see you?" He asked, picking up his bag."
"Yeah, I'll see you." He smiled again and walked to the door.
"Great then, uhm. Bye," he said opening the door.
"Yeah. Bye." He smiled and closed the door behind him. I sighed and sat back on the couch. I felt all of my old feelings rushing back.

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