The Mistake

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I could have sworn this was going to be the most awkward encounter ever, but somehow, even after all of these years being apartn Thomas and I could just talk with eachother, never running out of things to say. We talked about the good old days when we would secretly pull pranks on the headmaster at our school, and never get caught because everyone thought we were just the shy kids. We talked about what we used to dream about, his dream of being an author and my dream of becoming a photographer... well at least one of us accomplished or childhood goals... we just talked air everything, and it was wonderful, until... suddenly the power went out and we were left in the dark. But as soon as it happened, we both just laughed. The hotel staff came around, handing out candles and flashlights and blankets until they could turn the power back on.
I looked up at Thomas, the flame of the candle illuminating his features as he looked down at his lap. We each had a blanket wrapped around ourselves and for some reason, we were sitting on the floor. He looked up at me and smiled again, sweetly. I loved his smile. He yawned and stretched and the sleeve of his hoodie lifted up slight and I saw some sort of tattoo on his forearm.
"When did you get that?" I asked. He pulled u his sleeve and rubbed his hand over it. I could see it better now. It was a breast cancer ribbon all worn and tattered.
"I got it a few years ago, when Ava started getting really ill," he said, the smile slipping from his face.
"Ava's sick?" I asked. He just nod in response.
"She was diagnosed with breast cancer a little over 4 years ago, and it's just been getting worse..."
"I'm so sorry..." I said as he pulled his sleeve back down. "Do you remember my brother, Aramis?" He just nodded his head. "Well, about a year ago... he was in a car crash, and he didn't make it. I was crushed. I didn't know what to do. It was the reason I moved here. I just wanted to start a new life I guess. Anyways, when it started getting easier to deal with, I got this... I turned around and pushed my ear forward, showing him the sparrow tattoo.
"A sparrow.." he said, seeming to be familiar with my choice.
"Before Aramis died, he always told us that when someone passes away-"
"They come back as a sparrow to watch over us..." he finished.
"Exactly.." I said, turning back towards him. He sighed and looked back at the floor.
"I remember the days when the only things we had to worry about was making sure no one picked on eachother at school..."
"Yeah.. we were pretty good at protecting eachother, weren't we?" He just chuckled lightly. "I remember that one boyfriend I had in year 9. You kept warning me that he was going to break me heart, but I practically refused to listen to you... for like a month, you and I stopped talking because of it. But then I found out he was cheating on me with Lindsay Davids and I was absolutely devastated. You saw me crying and when I told you what happened, you went to confront him..."
"Yeah, and he beat the absolute shit out of me..." I just laughed and looked up at him, seeing the smile on his face. "It was worth it though. I got my best friend back... besides... I had a massive crush on you back then." He still just stared at the floor.
"You had a crush on me?" He blushed slightly and looked up at me.
"Honestly, I thought it was kind of obvious..." he said.
"I had no idea, I wish you would have told me."
"It would have just made everything awkward between us."
"No it wouldn't, because I had a massive crush on you!" He just laughed.
"I can't believe we were literally so blind that we couldn't tell that we liked eachother..."
"I guess that's what happens when you're kids..."
"I guess so..." we both laughed again and I realized that he and I were now sitting side by side, pressed up against eachother. I looked up at him, meeting his brown eyes once again and feeling the butterflies I felt as a kid when I was with him. He stared back at me, and I couldn't read the emotion on his face, and before I knew it, his lips were on mine in a gentle kiss. I moved over so I was at a better angle allowing him to deepen the kiss, and that's how everything fell apart...

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