Curve Ball

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The snow fell silently around me as I sat on the park bench, thinking about how the hell I was supposed to pull this off. Pregnant. I'm going to have a baby. There's no way I can drag Thomas into this either, he has a life. He's living his dream. As kids, he always told me he was going to make a name for himself from his books, buy a huge house, get married, have kids, in that order. I didn't even think that I could tell him... I sighed and stood back up, beginning to walk home as the sun was setting. When I walked up to the apartment building, I saw Dylan's and Arizonas cars in the parking lot. I ran up the stairs and pulled out my keys, heading inside. The moment I walked in, they all turned and looked at me, Arizona's brothers weren't around though.
"What?" I asked, closing the door behind myself and putting my keys down. Dylan just gave me a nervous glance. "What?" I asked again.
"Uhhh, how... how are you doing?" He asked.
"Do you need anything?" Arizona asked.
"Uhm, no? I'm fine... what's going on?"
"Are you sure?" Dylan asked.
"Oh my gosh, just tell her," Julia said.
"Tell me what?" I asked.
"Fine," he groaned. "Remember how I loaned you that book last week?"
"Well... I was telling Julia about the book and she wanted to see it, so I went to look for it in your room and I found something... laying on the floor next to your night stand... and uh.." oh god...
"What did you find?" I asked.
"Well uh.."
"What. Did. You. Find?" I repeated. He slowly pulled out the pregnancy test. "Oh god," I whispered.
"Were you planning in telling us?" Arizona asked.
"I... I uh..." I pushed passed them and ran to my room, closing and locking the door behind myself. I felt tears slipping down my face. I leaned against the door and slid down into the floor and hugged my knees up to my chest.
"Corin, come on," Dylan said through the door. "It's okay, we're here for you."
"How could she be so careless?" I heard Arizona whisper.
"Shut up Ari, not helping... Corin, please let me in," he begged.
"Go away!"
"We can help you."
"No you can't, go away."
"Guys, could you, go for a bit?" I heard Dylan ask.
"What, no way."
"Arizona, you're being more than helping right now. Just go for a few minutes." I heard footsteps and then the frontdoor opening and closing. "Cori, it's just us now, please please just let me in. I know you're scared but, I just want to help you." I took a deep shakey breath and stood up, opening the door. He stepped in and pulled me into a hug.
"I don't know what to do," I sobbed.
"Hey, it's going to be okay. Alright? I promise."
"I don't even have a job. I can barely even take care of myself right now, how can I take care of a baby?" He pulled away and looked at me.
"I'm going to help you. Alright? Uncle Dylan. It has a nice ring, doesn't it?" I laughed light and sat back on my bed, wiping the tears off my face. He sat next to me and put his arm around me. "So... who's the father?"
"Thomas," I whispered.
"Does he know?"
"Are you going to tell him?" I sighed and looked at the ground.
"I-I don't know," I said putting my head in my hands. "He has a life, a plan. I can't be the one to take that from him..."
"He has the right to know. To make the decision of being in the babies life or not. Who knows, he might change his plan around."
"When we were kids, we used to tell eachother how we wanted our lives to turn out. Turn it into a game. We'd play that we were married to eachother and he was an author, while I was a stay at home mum... we'd pretend the neibors cats were our kids." He just chuckled lightly.
"You're going to make a great mom, ya know. And hey, if Thomas does decide to stay in your lives... then doesn't that mean you were right when you were kids?"
"I guess it does..." I sighed and looked down. "But I dont even know when I'll see him again, and I can't call him..."
"I have the feeling he's going to turn up. You'll see. Whatever happens is going to happen. This isn't goingto be as terrible as you think. I'm going to help you, Arizona will probably help you. The point is you're not alone."
"What about your life? I can't take everything away from you too."
"You're not taking anything away from me. You're like a sister to me, and I'm going to take care of you. I smiled and hugged him tightly.
"Thank you Dylan," I whispered.
"Any time, any place..."
"Corin Mitchell?" The nurse called. I put diwn the magazine and nervously glanced at Dylan.
"It's going to be fine," he said, standing up and holding his hand out to me. I grabbed it and ge pulled me up and we walked together with the nurse.
"Just take a seat please," she said. I took a deep breath and sat on the uncomfortable paper covered bed. She took my blood pressure and checked my heart, weight, height, the usual things while you're waiting for your doctor to come in. "Alright, she'll be right with you guys."
"Thank you," I said as she turned and walked out. It's been about 3 months now since I got pregnant, and you can see my small baby bump. I would have come in sooner, but this doctor is the number one OBGYN in Bend Oregon. Dylan was looking around the room at all the models and diagrams.
"What is this even a diagram of?" He asked picking something up.
"Put that down, I'm pretty sure it's a vagina..." he slowly put it down and looked at me.
"Thank god I'm gay." I just rolled my eyes as the doctor came in.
"Good afternoon, I'm Doctor Moon," the woman said. She had long brown hair and kind green eyes. "You must be Corin," she said holding her hand out for me to shake.
"Yes ma'am."
"And is this the father?" She asked looking at Dylan.
"What? Me. No no no. Nooo. No. I'm like super super gay. I'm the best friend," he replied shaking her hand.
"My apologies. Anyways, let's get this started. Around what date was the day of conception?"
"Oh uhm... it was about 2 weeks before Christmas. It was a Wednesday."
"The day of that blizzard?"
"Uhm.. yes..." I said awkwardly.
"So the 10th of December. Meaning your due date is around September 10th or so. Have you been having nausea, headaches, cramps or pains int the abdomen or back area, or sore breasts?"
"I've been feeling pretty sick, and my breasts really hurt, but no to the others."
"Alrighty... if you would, please change into this gown, theres a curtain there for you to change behind, you can keep your pants on, but anything from the waist up has to come off. I'll just pop out and get the gel. When you're finished just lay on the bed for me, I'll be back in just a moment." I stepped behind the curtain and put the gown on, tying it in the front. I stepped back out and handed my shirt to Dylan to hold before laying down on the bed. Dr. Moon stepped back in with the bottle of gel and smiled at me. "Okay, let's take a look at your little one, shall we?" I just nod my head in response, nervously fidgeting with my hands Dylan came over and held my hand, making me feel better Dr. Moon untied the bottom of the gown and moved it so you could see my abdoman. "This is going to be a bit cold, so fair warning." She poured it on in a blob and it was freezing. She grabbed the monitor thing and rubbed it around. When she stopped moving it, she clicked a button on the keyboard of the computer and there was a thumping sound. Thump thump thump thump. Thump thump thump thump. "Oh I seem to have made a mistake," she said.
"What?" I asked.
"I should have said lets take a look at your little ones it looks like you're having twins."
"Twins?" Dylan and I asked together.
"Congratulations. It looks like they're both in good health, but the seem to be a bit smaller than usual... no matter, they'll grow. It seems to be a bit early to tell the gender, but that may be because they're developing slowly." She pressed another button and something started to print before she turned and faced the screen to me, showing me the picture of my babies. I took in a deep shakey breath and smiled.
"Wow," I whispered. I was going to have twins...

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