6 Months

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"Alright. I know you wanted to figure out your babies gender with Thomas, and he had to go into work, so, I've written it down and put it in this envelope," Doctor Moon said handing it to me. "Unless you have any questions, I think you're good to go."
"How are they doing, growth wise?"
"Well," she said pulling up a chair. Oh no. "You're now 6 and a half months pregnant with twins, but you only look about 6 months, as if you were only having one baby... I believe some time in the next few weeks they're going to have a huge growth spurt,"
"What's going to happen if the happens?" I asked, fiddling with my necklace.
"Well it's 1 of 2 things. One chance is your body may go into shock and it's going to be incredibly hard for you to walk or eat. Your body will essentially shut down. Or... your body will go into shock and reject the fetuses and you'll go into very early labor. And as much as a coma sounds just awful, it's really the better scenario of the two..." I let out a deep shakey breath.
"Well, let's just hope that doesnt happen, I guess." She smiled and stood up, holding a hand out to help me up, which I gladly took. Even though I was smaller than I was supposed to be, I was huge. I felt like a freaking beached whale. I couldn't even imagine being double the size.
"We'll keep in touch. I want to have another appointment in about 2 weeks at your 7 month mark, Caysie will set up the next appointment."
"Great, thanks so much," I said as she walked out to the lobby with me. She stopped and looked at her young receptionist.
"Caysie, I need you to set Ms. Mitchell's next appointment please."
"Yes ma'am," she said energetically, typing in the computer.
"I'll see you in two weeks, Corin."
"Yeah, thanks again," I said as she walked away.
"Hows the 11th of July?" She asked. "That's going to be a Saturday."
"Yeah, that sounds great."
"Morning or afternoon?"
"Morning's fine."
"Sure," I said, feeling one of the babies kick. I quickly put my hand on the spot. I could just tell that one was going to be a handful. Always skirming around and kicking super hard. The other one, the one on the left is always so still, and when he kicks it felt like a flutter. He.. I guess I thought he was a he... Caysie handed me an appointment slip and smiled.
"Have a great day!" She said.
"You too," I smiled, putting the slip in my purse before walking out.
"Oy! Cori, I was just about to come in to get you!" Arizona said coming over.
"Wasn't Dylan going to pick me up?" I asked hugging her.
"Yes, but... something came up. So I'm driving you home instead."
"Alright, cool." She smiled at me as we got into the car.
"So, how'd it go? Did you find out the gender or genders?" I just held up the envelope.
"It's in here. I'm opening it with Thomas tonight.."
"Are you going to start picking names?"
"Yeah. We've already been discussing a few, but most of the have been jokes like... Aaron Dale."
"Frozen reference. Nice," she laughed. "Do you have any specific names in mind?"
"I dont know. I mean... it's a lot of pressure dude. Whatever we name them, they're going to be stuck with that name for the rest of their lives. We need to pick good ones." I put the envelope back in my purse and looked back up. "Arizona, you just missed the turn to our apartment," I said. "Oh don't worry. I know what I'm doing."
"Where are we going?"
"It's a surprise." I just looked at her skeptically.
"You do realize the last surprise you ever had for me, we ended up almost getting arrested at an illegal underground rave, right?"
"Okay, but in my defense... the guy who invited me was hot, and there was no way I was going alone." I rolled my eyes. "This is going to be worth it, I promise."
"It better be. Just remember, I'm a mum now. You drag me into something, you're dragging these two as well."
"Ye of little faith." I laughed lightly and took off my cardigan. It was so freaking hot today. Being pregnant in summer was awful. Finally we pulled up to an apartment building that Thomas and I had been looking at to move into, but someone rented the place we wanted before us.
"What are we doing here?" I asked, looking over at her.
"Come on," she said, stepping out. I groaned and got out behind her, carrying my purse and cardigan with me. I followed her up the stairs, all the way to the top floor.
"Why are we taking stairs when theres an elevator? You do know I'm pregnant right?"
"I just thought you might need some exercise. You need to stay healthy for the babies." She said peeking around the corner. "Okay, let's go." I groaned and followed her down the hall until she stopped infront of the door of the apartment. These apartments took up half of each floor, they were huge and amazing. She knocked and winked at me. Before I knew it, Thomas opened the door, with Dylan standing behind him.
"Surprise!" They said together.
"What's all this?" I asked.
"Welcome to your new apartment," Thomas said, stepping aside.
"You rented it?" I asked, walking in and looking around. It was already completely moved into and everything.
"Yeah. I did," he said. "I'll show you around." After we walked around, looking in all the rooms, he stopped infront of the only door we handed gone in. "Okay. Now theres 2 more surprises for you."
"Two more?" He smiled at me and turned the doorknob and opened the door, stepping out if the way. It was the nursery... the walls were painted a charcoal grey and there were white framed pictures hanging on the walls with 2 cribs sitting side by side, but that wasn't even the biggest surprise.. I looked over as my sister stood up from the rocking chair.
"Surprise," she said smiling.
"Kylee?" I asked as she came over and hugged me. I hadn't seen her in forever, our mum practically told her never to talk to me again, and I thought I'd never see her again.
"I missed you, so much!" She said.
"I missed you too!" I said, feeling tears filling my eyes. "I didn't think I'd ever see you again, I thought you agreed with mum."
"Hell no. Mum is way out of line. I'm so excited to be an aunt!" I smiled as she pulled away. "Who cares what mum thinks, right?" I just smiled at her again.
"I hope you don't mind, but I said she could stay with us for a while," Thomas said. "We have a spare room now and-"
"I'm absolutely fine with it."
"Really?" She asked.
"Kylee, you're my big sister, of course I'm fine with it." She smiled and hugged me again. "Can I just have a second to talk to Thomas?" I asked.
"Yeah, of course. We'll be in the living room," she said, walking out with Dylan and Arizona.
"Are you happy? I really hope you're happy, with the apartment, the nursery, your sister... I didnt know if you two were on good terms or not, I didn't know if you wanted to move yet or not, I didn't know what gender our kids are going to be or if they'll even be the same gender so I went with a gender neutral color and-" I cut him off by kissing him softly.
"It's all wonderful. Thank you so much," I said. He let out a sigh of relief and hugged me tightly. "But speaking of genders..." I said, pulling out the envelope.
"Oh god, is that?"
"Yes sir it is..."
"Should we open it?"
"I don't know, should we open it with them or..."
"You know, I love them all to death, but I think that you and I should know first, and then tell them," he said.
"Yeah. Yeah, of course. Let's. Let's figure our the gender of our babies." He let out a deep shakey breath and took the envelope. His hands were shaking slightly. He slowly ripped it open and pulled the peice of paper out, glancing over at me before unfolding it. 'Left: Boy, Right: Girl'
"Wow," he whispered. "One of each." Right then, our little girl kicked as hard as she could again. I grabbed my stomach again.
"Oh yeah, our little girl's definitely going to be a handful." She laughed lightly and put his hand over where she was kicking.
"With that kick she could be a football player. Or soccer player as Americans say." I laughed before standing on my toes and kissing him again.
"I love you," I whispered.
"I love you too." And that was the first time we ever told eachother how we truly felt.
"Well what about Jackie?" Thomas asked.
"Absolutely not. Do you remember in first year, that sixth year girl Jackie would lock me in closets because she knew I was claustrophobic?"
"Oh that's right, and her boyfriend Charles always thought that I... a first year student, was flirting with his girlfriend so he and his friends threw me in a dumpster?" I laughed lightly, laying in bed next to him.
"That's right, and after you finally pulled yourself out, you'd come and find me and let me out." He chuckled as I lay my head on his shoulder.
"Damn, we were pathetic, weren't we?"
"Yeah... we really were." I yawned and stretched. "Dang, being pregnant wears you out, believe me." I lay down and rested my head on Thomas's chest. He wrapped his arms around me, holding me close.
"You've had a long day, that's for sure. You should get some sleep."
"Nuh uh. Not until you read to our children. And me of course."
"Well, what should we read tonight?" I sat up and grabbed the book off of my nightstand, handing it to him. "The Underpassage, by..." he stopped and looked down at me.
"It's by my fairytale favorite author... besides, don't you want your children to hear your brilliant masterpiece early on?" He groaned and sat up.
"Fine. I'll read my own book to you." I smiled and positioned myself comfortably, my head resting in 3 pillows as I hugged my body pillow. Being pregnant was so uncomfortable. Thomas reached over and grabbed his glasses off the table, putting them on and starting to read. That night, I fell asleep to the sound of his beautiful voice.

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