Run Away

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"Proof that I'm the best roomate," Dylan said walking in the front door with a bunch of bags. "I got all of your prenatal vitamins, every single one on the list, and I got you a crap load of crap, check it," he started pulling out a bunch of food. "I figured, with me working more, you're going to need food around the house especially now that you're eating for 3."
"What would I do without you?" I laughed.
"You'd probably wither away into nothing because your life would be incomplete." He walked into the kicthen and started putting everything away. I pulled out the picture of my babies and stared at it. Even though I have no idea what I'm doing, I do know one thing.. I already love them so much. I smiled and looked up as Dylan came out.
"Okay, so I have to get to work, but if you need anything. At all, call me. Okay?"
"Yeah, alright,"
"Don't forget to take all of your vitamins, if you eat junk food, eat healthy food too, you have to take care of the kiddos."
"Yeah yeah, I know," I laughed. "Go. I'll be fine."
"Alright, alright." He said, grabbing his keys and wallet. "Call if any-"
"Go!" I said as he walked out. I just laughed again and look at the picture again, sighed. Only 5 more months until they're here, and I was so excited. I've already had 3 appointments, but Dr. Moon says they arent growing the way they should, I'm about the size of a 4 month pregnant woman that's only having one baby... she thinks if they dont grow fast then they'll have a sudden growth spurt that may put my body into shock and I might have to spend the last month or so of the pregnancy in the hospital...
Suddenly there was a light knock on the door. I pulled myself up and walked over to it, freezing when I opened the door.
"T-Thomas? H-Hi..." I said, partially hiding behind the door.
"Cori, hey. Uhm, I just got back in town and I wanted to see you... can.. can I come in?" I took a deep breath and looked down. I have to tell him. I have to tell him...."
"Yeah, but theres something important I need to tell you."
"Okay... should I..."
"Yeah, come in," I opened the door wider and let him in. Luckily it just looked like I gained a bit of weight. I didnt look super pregnant.
"So, what did you want to tell me?" He asked as we sat down. I sighed and looked down.
"Well um, remember the day of the blizzard? When we were snowed in at your hotel? And we.. uh..." wow this wasnt going well.
"Yeah.. I remember.." he said, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Well uh... that night kind of led to something a bit more and well... now.." he looked down and froze, I met his gaze and sighed, he was looking at the ultrasound picture. He reached over and picked it up.
"A-are you..."
"Yeah.. I'm pregnant... and they're definitely yours..."
"Wow..." he said, clearly not sure what to say.
"I-I wasn't sure if I should tell you or not. I mean, you have a life, a job, a plan... I completely understand if you dont want to be a father.. but, I'd really like it if you decided to stick around..."
"I... I don't know what to say... I think I just need some time to think..." he said standing up. "I just need some time..."
"Yeah, of course. I understand..." I said.
"I um.. I'll talk to you. But I have to.. I really have to go..." and with that, he left. I felt tears welling up in my eyes and I buried my head in my hands. This was such a mess. With my luck, someone else knocked on the door. I groaned and stood up, practically throwing the door open in frustration.
"Mum... dad..." I said, feeling sick suddenly.
"Surprise!" They said together, pulling me into a hug.
"W-what are you doing here?" I asked. I still hadn't told them I was pregnant.
"We thought we'd come and surprise you! You can act a bit happier, can't you? We've flown in from London."
"Im happy, of course I'm happy, but uh-"
"Have you gained a bit of weight, dear?"
"What? Oh I-"
"You really should eat healthier, you don't want to get fat, now do you? You'll never get a husband if you're fat." Mum always did know how to cheer someone up....
"Theres something I need to tell you," I blurted out before she can get in another word.
"What is it darling?" Dad asked. I sighed and plopped down on the couch.
"I'm pregnant." Mum stopped and looked at me.
"You what?"
"I-I'm pregnant..." I whispered. Mum groaned and sat next to me.
"It figures as much. I always knee that if one of my children was going to sleep around it'd be you, but now you've gotten pregnant? What do you think your sister is doing with her life?" Oh great, here it comes the 'your sister is better than you' rant. "Shes engaged, shes a virgin, she has a job, she has a life! And what do you have? Do you even know who the father is?"
"Yes, I do."
"Oh god, is it that roomate of yours? What's his name?"
"Dylan. And he's gay."
"Wow, going for all types, huh?"
"It isn't him!"
"Then who is it?" I groaned and looked at the floor. "Who!?"
"Thomas? As in Thomas your friend from school?"
"Right, and he just so happened to be in the same small ass town, even though he lived in London?"
"I'm not lying!" I said.
"You're not responsible enough for a child! Alright? So-so.. you're getting an abortion."
"What? No! No way. I am an adult now and you cant keep telling me what to do!"
"If you don't get an abortion, then I'm not going to be here with you!"
"Fine! I don't need you!"
"When you're alone, a drunk, and have 5 kids, and 50 boyfriends, dont you dare come crying to me!" And with that she stood up, grabbed my dad by the sleeve, and pulled him out, slamming the door behind her. I put my head in my hands and started crying. This really was a mess.

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