The Change

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Thomas's pov

A bunch of doctors and nurses were swarming around me, trying to take my blood pressure and do tests. They had wheeled Dylan into a different room, he was hit a lot worse than I was and he had been unconscious.
"I need to go, my girlfriend is in labor!" I said, trying to stand up.
"Sir, we need to make sure you're not internally bleeding. We just need to take a few more tests." I groaned as a nurse put a cottonball dipped in rubbing alcohol on the cut on my forehead, it stung, but I didn't really care.
"I think this is going to need a few stitches," she said, grabbing a needle and thread. "Tilt you head back, right there," she said moving my head to look up. I groaned again. She started sewing it up as the others started leaving finally. "There," she said, cutting the string and covering it with a bandaid. "We just need to do one or two more tests to make sure you're not internally bleeding or anything. Just give us a few minutes please," she said, smiling sweetly before walking out and closing the curtain of the room I was stuck in. I looked down at the hospital band on my wrist and rolled my eyes. I was fine. This was my chance, I had to get to the delivery room, I wasn't missing the birth of my son and daughter. I carefully took the sticker off my iv and pulled it out, grabbing a bandaid off the bedpan and putting it over the drop of blood. I pulled the pulse monitor and blood pressure thing off and pulled my shirt back on, covering up the bruises on my abdoman. Suddenly I heard a loud and fast beeping sound from another room and 'code blue room 4' came over the intercom. I peeked passed the curtain and saw all nurses and doctors rushing into a room. My breath hitched in my throat when I saw who they were trying to revive. It was Dylan... I didnt want to leave him, but this was my only chance. I snuck out of my room and ran out of the emergency room, following the signs to labor and delivery. Once I reached the front desk I stopped to ask the nurse.
"Excuse me, my girlfriend, she's in labor, I need to get in there," I said.
"Whats her name?"
"Corin Mitchell."
"Right. Corin. It looks like she's in delivery room 4. Caydon will show you," she said pointing to a younger guy standing there.
"This way," he said. I quickly followed him back to the room. I walked in and saw Corin, Arizona, and Kylee. I walked over to Cori, and grabbed her hand.
"Where were you? What happened to your forehead?"
"Nothing. I'm alright... Dylan and I just got into a bit of a crash..."
"Oh my god, are you okay? Where's Dylan?"
"I'm fine. Really. I kind of, snuck out of the emergency room. I don't know how Dylan's doing..."
"I'll go check," Arizona said.
"I'll go with you," Kylee said, and they walked out together.
"How are you doing? Has Doctor Moon been in to see you yet?"
"Yeah, she's been checking in ever 30 minutes. But she says she's worried I might not be ready to push. I might need a c section," she said, seeming a bit worried. There were 3 sets of heartbeats, hers and the babies, and she had something around her stomach, probably monitoring the contractions. Right then, she groaned and squeezed my hand tightly, obviously having a contraction.
"I'm here now. I'm not going anywhere." Suddenly I heard my phone beep from my back pocket. I pulled it out and mentally groaned. Both my mum and dad had messaged me a bunch of times. Apparently they had landed and were on their way to the hospital. Right then the doctor walked in.
"Thomas, glad you could join us. How's our momma doing?" She asked looking at Corin. "Are yhe contractions any different?"
"They're a lot closer together," she said, squeezing my hand again.
"Well let's take a look." After checking everything she looked back at us.
"What is it?" Cori asked.
"I think we better schedule the c section.. I'll call down to the O.R. and get the soonest time and let you know." And with that she walked out. Corin let go of my hand and ran it through her hair.
"Hey, it's going to be okay. I promise," I said.
"I know. I'm just. I'm just a little nervous... with them being born so early theres a much higher risk of something awful happening to them."
"I know, but nothings going to happen." She sighed and shook her head.
"How do you know?"
"I don't... but, I have faith. And that's all we can do right now." My phone beeped again and I looker. "My parents are here," I said as Doctor Moon walked in with a nurse.
"Good news, we can get you in right away. We're just going to prep you and then we'll bring you right in, I assume dad's going to want to be there?" I just nod my head in response. "Fantastic. We'll just start prepping then."
"Can I run out and let my parents know what's going on?"
"Yeah, of course. We'll just be rught in here."
"I'll be right back," I said to Corin.
"Don't be too long," she begged.
"I wont." I walked out and headed to the waiting room, seeing my parents sitting there, talking to some elderly woman.
"Thomas!" Mum said, standing up and hugging me.
"How ya doing, son?" Dad asked.
"I'm alright... uh, I just came to tell you guys that Corin is going to have a c section, so..." I let out a deep breath. "I should, I should get back. I'll let you know how it goes."
"Good luck sweetheart," mum said, hugging me again. "We love you."
"I love you too," I said, giving a nervous smile before rushing back to the room. They had her ready to go in. We walked to the O.R. and they had me scrub up as they hooked her up to all of the machines. I sighed as I finished putting everything on and walked in. They were setting a block up from right under her arms that were above her head. She looked over at me nervously and held her hand out to me. I grabbed it and gave her a reassuring smile.
"Okay, Corin, we're going to give you the anesthetic now, so the lower half of you us going to be numb, but you'll still be awake," Doctor Moon said before injecting it into her IV. It worked almost instantly and they began. I just stood with Corin, talking with her and holding her hand.
"Yeah, sweetie?" I asked.
"I love you," she said. "I love you so so much."
"I love you too..." she smiled lightly and then I heard it. The sound of a baby crying I looked over and saw Doctor moon holding up a tiny baby girl. One of the other doctors cut the chord and she handed her gently to the pediatrician to be checked out.
"Just one more and we're all done," the doctor said. After a few more minutes, I looked over again as she pulled out our baby boy, but he wasn't moving, wasn't crying. "Jack," she said, as the one doctor cut the chord. The other pediatrician came over and took him quickly, walking him over to a table, trying to revive him.
"Tom, what's happening?" Corin asked weakly. Right as I was about to tell her, he gave out a soft cry and I let the breath I didn't know I was holding, out.
"They're both out," I said. "We're parents." She smiled lightly and closed her eyes for a few seconds.
"We're parents..." she said. I looked over and Doctor Moon had finished stitching her up and was putting a bandage over it.
"We just need to check a few things, but we'll bring your kids into the recovery room once we finish up some tests. You, my dear should get some rest in the mean time," she said, before one of the guy doctors started wheeling her away.
"Ill meet you in the room," I said. I took off my scrubs and walked out. We were parents...

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