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   *2 weeks later*

  I sat in my apartment, unpacking boxes of Christmas decorations while Arizona and Dylan were out last minute Christmas shopping. It was Christmas Eve. Thomas had to go back to London a little over a week ago, and I missed him. We've been trying to stay in touch, but my phone had been shut off after I couldn't pay the bill. I got a part time job at the mall, wrapping presents, but it was already over. I earned enough money to pay rent and buy Ari and Dylan's presents, but now, I'm pretty much broke. I sighed and looked over at the bare tree. Christmas was always a really hard time for me now, because the year before last was when my brother was in his car crash... I remember when my sister, Kylee, called me in tears. I remember rushing to the hospital and seeing my mum and dad both crying in eachothers arms, and when I looked over Aramis was in the other room as the nurses unplugged the machines from him. He was gone. He died exactly two years ago, and a part of me died too.
I sighed and looked down at my lap, feeling a tear slip down my cheek as the door opened. I quickly wiped it away.
"Hey," Dylan said walking in with a ton of bags.
"Hi," I said, giving him a fake smile as he set them all down.
"I ran by the grocery store and got everything on the list. This morning before I left, Arizona proceeded to remind me countless times to get you both these," he pulled out a box of tampons and tossed them to me, and then I realized... I should have started my period over a week ago.
"Thanks," I muttered. He came over and sat next to me, looking in the box of ornaments I was sorting through.
"How long have you been going through Christmas crap?" He asked.
"A few hours... this morning I made those sugar cookies you guys like so much," I said, still staring at the box in my hand.
  "Yes! I love when you bake!" He looked over at me. "Are you okay?" He asked. I snapped out of my daze and looked up at him, placing the box down on the coffee table.
"Yeah, I'm fine," I lied. He just looked at me skeptically. "What time is your sister getting here?" I asked, changing the subject.
"Tonight, around 7, is your family coming?"
"No, they're all stuck back home in London. None of them really celebrate Christmas anymore either... but Arizona's brothers are coming I think."
"Oh great. They're almost as bratty as she is." I just rolled my eyes and looked back at the ground. "Okay, I know somethings wrong, what is it?" He asked putting his arm around me. I just sighed and shook my head. Not only was today the anniversary of my brothers death, but my period's late meaning only one thing... I'm probably pregnant. I can't support a kid, I can't even support myself right now, I don't have a job!
"There's just so much going on right now," I whispered.
"Like?" I just shrugged really not wanting to talk about it. "Oh my god, today's..." he said finally realizing. "I'm so sorry." He pulled me into a hug and I felt tears threatening to spill from my eyes.
"I miss him," I said, my voice wavering. 
"Thats why your family doesn't celebrate anymore, isn't it." I just nod my head in response, hiding my face in his chest as he hugged me. I felt kid of guilty about the bond I had with Dylan, as stupid as that sounds. He was like a brother to me, but I felt like I was cheating Aramis... I sighed and pulled away from Dylans arms, standing up.
"Could you finish going through these boxes? I have to run out and grab something..." I asked, grabbing my coat and pulling on my boots.
"Yeah, of course," he smiled. I just grabbed my wallet and keys, stepping out of the apartment. I started walking to the gas station on the corner of the street. With all of the stress I've had on me lately, I just needed to find out this last thing. Not knowing if I was really pregnant or not would drive me absolutely nuts. As soon as I got to the store I walked around until I found the test. I grabbed two if them and walked to the counter, pulling out the last 20 dollar bill I had and putting the pregnancy tests on the counter. The guy looked at me judgingly as he rang it up.
"$15.07," he said. I sighed and handed him the $20. He handed me back $4.53 and put them in a bag, pushing it towards me.
"Do you have a restroom?" I asked. He pointed behind me and I turned to see a veey grungy looking door. I just grabbed the bag and fake smiled at him before walking back to the restroom. I opened one of the boxes and read the instructions. I bought 2 just to be sure... I sighed and took them both, putting the caps back on them, putting them back in the bag. It took up to ten minutes... I sighed and washed my hands before walking out and heading back towards the apartment building. The walk itself was at least 10 minutes. The minute I got back, I ran upstairs and unlocked the door, heading back to my bedroom and locking myself in. I sat down on the bed and took a deep shakey breath, pulling the tests back out of the bag, my hands shaking. I took another breath and looked down, freezing at the result on both of them. Two pink lines... it was positive. I was pregnant...

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