Sandcastles| SS.1

543 14 0

Thought| Stephen Curry
The tension in the kitchen couldn't even be cut with the most sharpest knife in the world.

On the table lied broken glass, destroyed pictures, drops of blood, and water.

On either side of the table stood, Katelyn Curry and Stephen Curry. Both refused to move, afraid of what the other would do.

After what seemed like hours of Katelyn staring at him angrily and him avoiding her eyes, Stephen was the first to move. Ever so slightly, he slid one of the pictures towards him.

The picture was from their wedding, except something was different. There was a hole in the picture where his face used to be.

Beyond shocked, Stephen looked into Katelyn's eyes. Words couldn't explain what he saw. Hell, he couldn't explain what he saw.

Katelyn's once gleaming brown eyes were pitch black, her once flawless hair was all over the place, and her once flawless skin had scratches from where she'd destroyed most of the house.

"Baby, I am so sorry." Stephen couldn't think of anything other to say. Tears welled in his eyes," Please don't leave me."

Katelyn's blood boiled she closed her eyes to take a deep breath. Before she fucked him up as she knew she would, she turned.

"I can't stay here." Katelyn said before slamming the door.
If you haven't by now, you need to go listen to Lemonade. Sandcastles is a song on there. Yo, her voice in that song bro. But did y'all miss-ded me?
Short series| pt. 1
(New thing I'm doing. Tell me if you diggin it or no?)

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