Chapter 1: Unexpected

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I walked home from sightseeing and I checked the time on my phone.

6:57 PM.

I looked at my travel notebook where I wrote about my travels in. I still needed to go to a few places more; Busan, Daegu, and some others.

I put my ear phones in my ears and played some music as I walked around the corner. I decided to buy a drink at the convenience store that Nana told me about before I walked back to my apartment.

I walked inside and headed to the drink section. I took a bottle of Coca Cola and headed to the cashier. "2000 won." She said.

I gave her the money and walked out holding the Coca Cola in one hand and the notebook in the other.

I didn't see where I was going and bumped into someone on my way out. "Oh sorry. I'm so sorry." I apologized.

He shook his head. "It's okay. I'm sorry too." He was wearing a mask to cover his mouth and nose.

Many Koreans wore them here because of the pollution in the air.

I should to get one too.

I looked at him closely and I felt like I knew him, but where?

"I'm sorry for bumping into you...Have a good day." I said before I walked off. I sipped my coke while blushing in embarrassment.

I arrived home and sat on my bed sighing. "That was a long day. I really need some rest."

I lied down on my bed about to fall asleep but my phone buzzed and I saw a text from an unknown number. I sat up and looked at it for a moment.

I wonder who it is.

Hello, I'm the person you met before at the convenience store. You dropped your notebook when we bumped into each other. I found your number in the book and decided to contact you. I didn't know if it was important but yeah. Please text or call back if you'd like to get it back.

My eyes widened. I looked in my bag for my notebook but it wasn't there. I really did drop it when I bumped into that guy. I decided to text him back.

Hi. Thank you for telling me. Yes, I would love to get it back. Can we meet somewhere? The convenience store can be a good place.

Yes, of course. Tomorrow at the convenience store at eleven? If you want to meet at a different time, I can try but I have a busy schedule.

No problem. Tomorrow at eleven sounds perfect. Again, thank you so much.

You're welcome. Also, I have to tell you this, I'm Kim Seokjin and I'm in a boy group named BTS.

My heart skipped a beat. "What?" I looked at the message in disbelief.

Did I read that right? He can't be.

Okay... yeah. I don't believe you, even if you are an idol. How can I believe that?

Really, I am. I can prove it to you. Here's a photo of me right now.

A photo of Seokjin in his bed smiling softly popped up and my face flushed pink.

I didn't believe it. I can't believe this guy is trying to say that he is the Seokjin from BTS. No way.

I'm sorry but you could've gotten that photo from the Internet. If you really want to prove me wrong then video message me.

I instantly regretted sending that message. I can't believe I told him to do that, but that was the only way I could find out if he was really lying or not. It took a couple of minutes before he replied back.


I looked at the message nervously and scared. Then, my screen showed the unknown number.

Unknown would like to have a video message with you. Would you like to accept?

I sat there, my eyes on the accept button.

Should I?

I took a deep breath and then clicked the green button revealing Seokjin's face and him lying in his bed. He smiled and then waved.

"Hello." He said cutely making heart signs. I declined the chat by instinct. My heart stopped.

I just saw Seokjin. What do I do?

What should I do?

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